Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
What happens when someone calls you up to join but then turns around and says just don't mention my call to your current leadership?
And why would they do that?
Do you know of anyone who has done so?
Why do you automatically assume the worst of a brother?
What if, what if, what if, we can what if about all the bad scenarios we can conjure up until all the air is gone from the room and we pass out, but all that does is spread more unfounded, nonfactual rumors, and tearing down of brothers in the Lord. Why oh why do we do this?
How about hope for, and pray for the best, uplift a brother and give the benefit of a doubt?
Do we have to agree in order to love and speak positively of someone?
Now, in the event that some exception to the rule (and yes, I believe the majority are sincerely seeking what is right) breaks away and starts doing unethical things,
Then they should be dealt with.
But to just assume the worst and bring up scenarios of wrongdoing (doesn't the Bible call that "evil imaginations"?) is immature, irresponsible, and all it does is spread strife and discord.
What if Bro Johnny Godair sprouts horns and a tail and starts a Mormon catholic fellowship? That's no more ridiculous than accusations of "breaking unity, and excommunicating, and unethically sneaking around trying to break up the UPC" that have been floating around here.
How about this? What if Brother Godair just simply has a strong conviction about a stand that has been made, and cannot justify going to his church and telling them that something is now OK that once was wrong? What if he simply is standing for what he believes is right, and
does not want to break fellowship with close friends and church family, so he gets together with like minded people to form an org that will allow those who wish to remain UPC to do so, and allow fellowship with those who feel compelled to break away?
What if..... what if the meeting is meant to
preserve unity and not destroy it?
Why must we assume and accuse the worst of people we call "brothers"?