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Old 03-22-2010, 09:41 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by SlowFade View Post
How is it all in God's hands? How do you know this scientifically? You do well with understanding reality until you insist on an invisible friend.
One can only understand if God leads them and they seek him.
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:43 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by SlowFade View Post
The fundies are just as misguided as those who assert the notion of a supernatural being behind it all. There are natural processes at work and there is no need for a God. In fact, prove that there is a God. You can't. It's all subjective wishing and hoping.

And just because there was volcanism of the Dead Sea region that destroyed a couple cities it doesn't mean there was a God behind it. Was God behind Katrina? The tsunamis? Earthquakes in the world today? No. What happened was a catastrophe that ancient people couldn't explain that was attributed to God. It's like the volcanos throughout the Pacific islands that islanders attributed to a god. They threw virgins into volcanos to appease this god.

God didn't create the world in six days, nor did God make Eve from a rib, there wasn't even an Adam. You won't find God parting the red sea nor will you find Jesus rising from the dead, if he existed at all. Most likely he was a radical rabbi that was executed for blasphemy and treason against Rome.

The Bible presents a mythological interpretation of historical events. That's all. It's a story book from an ancient religion no different than any other religious book.
Here is an excellent example of the fruit of evolutionary thinking. If you can't believe what the Bible says how can you believe it's message? I firmly believe in what the Bible says. I believe that one day so call "science" will be shown to be false and God's Word true to it's natural reading.
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:44 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by SlowFade View Post
What I find funny is that you admit that the Bible is so outlandish it can't be believed and yet you cling to the God it supposedly describes. The agnostic "higher power" who knows no religion is more likely to exist than a God who supposedly bends the laws of science. Get real.
God isn't subject to the laws of science. Nor his God confined by space or time.
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:46 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by SlowFade View Post
What I find funny is that you admit that the Bible is so outlandish it can't be believed and yet you cling to the God it supposedly describes. The agnostic "higher power" who knows no religion is more likely to exist than a God who supposedly bends the laws of science. Get real.
Your "reasoning" here is seriously degrading. You're beginning to sound like "Michael the Disciple."

Just exactly where did I "admit that the Bible is so outlandish it can't be believed?"

I think that if you paid attention to what I was trying to say rather than working on your caricatures you might not be such a sneering cynic. Cynicism alone is fine, even warranted when you consider some of the fundy babble - but a more "real" approach is to allow others to state their position and to not try and invent new positions for them with such a disparaging attitude.

And technically, the "agnostic higher power" doesn't really even exist - at least not in the minds of the agnostics anyway. If one believes in the "higher power" then they have moved from agnosticism to some form of theism.

Last edited by pelathais; 03-22-2010 at 09:48 AM.
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:51 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Has it ever occurred to you guys that many of your defenses of literal (or figurative) Biblical innerancy and inspiration could apply just as well to any purported holy book? I don't know if they do this, but Mormons could say "you can't understand (our view of) God unless He draws you and you seek Him."

I could play that game, too! If you are really sincere in your quest for truth, God will lead you to the same conclusion He led me to: you will be an agnostic.
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:53 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Your "reasoning" here is seriously degrading. You're beginning to sound like "Michael the Disciple."

Just exactly where did I "admit that the Bible is so outlandish it can't be believed?"

I think that if you paid attention to what I was trying to say rather than working on your caricatures you might not be such a sneering cynic. Cynicism alone is fine, even warranted when you consider some of the fundy babble - but a more "real" approach is to allow others to state their position and to not try and invent new positions for them with such a disparaging attitude.

And technically, the "agnostic higher power" doesn't really even exist - at least not in the minds of the agnostics anyway. If one believes in the "higher power" then they have moved from agnosticism to some form of theism.
Maybe he meant deist. A higher "power" who doesn't use that power anymore (since creation).
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 03-22-2010, 09:55 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Here is an excellent example of the fruit of evolutionary thinking. If you can't believe what the Bible says how can you believe it's message? I firmly believe in what the Bible says. I believe that one day so call "science" will be shown to be false and God's Word true to it's natural reading.
This is an example of an Association Fallacy or a "Red Herring."

SlowFade didn't even touch on "evolutionary thinking" but was following the theme of the thread - Noah's Ark. (Talk about presumption! Staying on the theme of a thread!)

SlowFade's declared unbelief may have many different origins that their personal experience would have to testify to. For us to come along and try to use their belief system (unbelief system?) as a polemic tool for advocating acceptance of things that are clearly not warranted by the Bible nor the natural sciences is unfair to all the players.
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:58 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Wheres the boat????
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:59 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Maybe he meant deist. A higher "power" who doesn't use that power anymore (since creation).
The "Watchmaker God"?

But the phrase "agnosticism" was coined to reflect the Greek: The prefix "a-" (not) with "gnosis" (knowledge). An agnostic believes that there is not enough knowledge or information to make an informed decision on the question of God's existence (any God).

A deist posits that there is a God - though obviously not One that is acceptable to many other belief systems. Thus the deist is not an agnostic.
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Old 03-22-2010, 10:01 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by KWSS1976 View Post
Wheres the boat????
What kind of question is that???

Oh... yeah.
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