Originally Posted by SlowFade
What I find funny is that you admit that the Bible is so outlandish it can't be believed and yet you cling to the God it supposedly describes. The agnostic "higher power" who knows no religion is more likely to exist than a God who supposedly bends the laws of science. Get real.
Your "reasoning" here is seriously degrading. You're beginning to sound like "Michael the Disciple."
Just exactly where did I "admit that the Bible is so outlandish it can't be believed?"
I think that if you paid attention to what I was trying to say rather than working on your caricatures you might not be such a sneering cynic. Cynicism alone is fine, even warranted when you consider some of the fundy babble - but a more "real" approach is to allow others to state their position and to not try and invent new positions for them with such a disparaging attitude.
And technically, the "agnostic higher power" doesn't really even exist - at least not in the minds of the agnostics anyway. If one believes in the "higher power" then they have moved from agnosticism to some form of theism.