Originally Posted by Jeffrey
Are you no longer "people" when you come to faith in Christ? You do realize that these are still humans trying to conform to His image -- in the middle of that, there are immature Christians, those who struggle with lying, those who are hypocrites. Don't judge a person by the faith they profess (goes for me), judge me by my tract record, my fruit... what do other customers say. What does faith have to do with getting your car fixed? Come on, now. This is borderline ridiculous.
Christian company??? Why are we mixing faith with amoral things? Sure, support our own, but if that's your stopping point for judging one's professional skills, I think it's quite a shallow place to make that decision.
Obviously, because I do read the Bible, I find that Jesus places high priority on people of sincere faith. We have rewards for that. What is our life about, Jeffrey? Isn't it about disciplining (Go ye therefore and teach all nations....) and being perfected (maturing) in our faith?
Am I to focus on the immaturity of those Christians you call hypocrites? Why? I could focus on people in the secular world who are just as hypocritical. What would be the point? Who cares?
I agree with MM, if I find two good mechanics and one is Christian, I will give the Christian my business - first and foremost. The Bible does instruct us to support our own.
Galatians 6:10 "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men,
especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
I purchase fabric and other items at Hobby Lobby more than another fabric store in town, because Hobby Lobby is a Christian company and I honor them for closing down on a Sunday to honor the Lord's Day. If you don't like that, then too bad.
Listen, when I was a child, I liked Winnie the Pooh, but Eeyore just was the most annoying figure! I wanted to jump in the movie, kick him in the butt and say, "Lift up your head and stop it!!!"
So, if I may borrow this from Sherri, this video is so reminiscent on how I feel today:
You are stretching to say that is my stopping point. I think you just have your boxers in a wad because I won't trip around the room with a pot and spoon in my hand shouting, "Down with the AI!! Down with the AI!"
You have plenty skipping along after you, why are you bothered that I refuse to do it?