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06-01-2009, 05:52 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by gthaywood1880
Bishop R.C. Lawson(1883-1961) was the founder of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in 1919. Bishop Johnson seperated from Lawson in 1930 and founded the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ because of these reason's the wearing of jewelry and makeup worn by women, the observance of Christmas,Easter, and Lent.
Originally Posted by Candle
Praise the Lord. Bishop SC Johnson was the real thing . . . a true Apostle. He preached the gospel without regard to fame or favor, unlike Bishop Lawson, who dabbled in
politics and social causes. He was a true man of God. I consider myself to be blessed to have known him and heard him preach many, many times until his death in 1961.
First gt, I left the UPCI in 1979 and joined up with a COOLJC church for almost 24 years.
At that time, while some churches wore earrings and make up, many did not.
As for Bishop Lawson preaching for fame and favor, Candle, do you have PROOF of this, or is it supposition?!
Just because a preacher is involved politics and social issuses doesn't mean he is not a true man of God.
I am of the opinion that there are not enough men of God with the open door first, and the willingness second, to say, as did the prophet, "Thou art the man!!"
Bishop's influence was far and wide in New York, and reached many souls with the gospel who may not have heard it otherwise.
He may have made wrong choices in his ministry...I was not there and did not know him.
And as he was just a man, I's sure he missed it more than once.
But I would never venture to say that he was not a true man of God...

06-01-2009, 07:59 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by Barb
First gt, I left the UPCI in 1979 and joined up with a COOLJC church for almost 24 years.
At that time, while some churches wore earrings and make up, many did not.
As for Bishop Lawson preaching for fame and favor, Candle, do you have PROOF of this, or is it supposition?!
Just because a preacher is involved politics and social issuses doesn't mean he is not a true man of God.
I am of the opinion that there are not enough men of God with the open door first, and the willingness second, to say, as did the prophet, "Thou art the man!!"
Bishop's influence was far and wide in New York, and reached many souls with the gospel who may not have heard it otherwise.
He may have made wrong choices in his ministry...I was not there and did not know him.
And as he was just a man, I's sure he missed it more than once.
But I would never venture to say that he was not a true man of God...
If there had been no Bishop Lawson there would have been No Bishop Johnson he was saved under a preacher out from under Bishop Lawson.

06-01-2009, 08:03 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Thanks for that, Elder Epley. Many peoeple believe that SCJ was self taught which a total untruth.

06-01-2009, 08:14 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Does anyone know how many preachers started their own ministry - who were saved under Bishop Lawson or were there any other break away preachers and if so what were their reasons for breaking away?

06-01-2009, 08:21 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by sis_perez
PTL Sisters- Sis Martha, and Sis. Warrior. Id like to chime in a little on the conversation I see between you both concerning these Preachers calling themselves Apostles, that have Learned what they learned from Bishop Johnson. Well I can only say what Bishop Johnson said, If they learned one thing from him, then they had to be TAUGHT. If they had to be TAUGHT- then..........God didnt send them. Remember ........God opened up the Apostles understanding. What the Apostles had- they got it by REVELATION, meaning, they got it Direct From God. So I dont understand how these preachers - Preach the truth- I cant knock that--but then they say that they are Apostles- and many of them Learned from Bishop Johnson-and that is what makes them wrong. They are lying on God. God opened up the understanding of the Apostles. Apostles dont need no man to open up nothing to them. They get it Direct from God as Did Paul and the rest of the Apostles. So what man does anyone know that is living today-that is preaching the truth- got what they Got Direct from God? We can not say that a man cannot preach the truth. There is no bible forbidding a man to preach the truth. But they better preach what the Apostles preached- and do like Bishop said- Dont say God sent them. They have Bible for Desiring to do what the bible call a Good Work. And the bible has qualifications that the man must meet to be a steward of God. The Baltimore Ave. church in Phila. if you listen to their Program on Sundays.- Part of their scrip says, "What are the Qualifications of an Apostolic Bishop?" And they dont even Believe in Preachers. Anyway, there is no Bible that says that one can only preach the truth if he was ordained of Bishop Johnson. And John, the last Apostle did not ordain Bishop Johnson. Also just because a man was ordained by Bishop Johnson, does not make the man right. From what I understand, I could be wrong, but Bishop ordained Selby and sent him out. Bishop Willards members claim that Selby said he was an apostle. But as for the tape listeners, and stay homers...They are very careful....Because most of these preachers are flat out liars. I was thinking of visiting the Holy Temple Church. But I started to question it because when someone is called an apostle- Well, I have heard what Bishop Johnson has said, I have read what the Bible said and these two agree, then here come something strange.........All these so called apostles out here why are they not together. So the Bible is right and somebody is definitely Wrong. Many tape listeners are confused by Bishop Johnsons teaching. But not all. Many dont believe anyone else can preach. Well many of them have what Bishop say on the tape contridicting the Bible. That is why they need a leader. Peace Be Sisters.
Sister Perez, I feel like we are somewhat on the same page. Leadership is totally what is needed here. However, people are not looking for leadership. They want to sit at home and claim to have a pastor when everyone knows that isn't true. Bishop Johnson cannot pastor anyone from the dead. When God took him off of the scene, he knew just what he was doing. You see people are still in disarray some 60 years after he died. The work of the enemy is at hand and the saints don't even recognize it.
I will say that there are preachers who are declaring the truth as THE BIBLE says so. I know one or two. These are the ones in my small little world. If you would like to send me a pm we can discuss my opinion of that in private.
I can bring some situations that put people at risk for falling into sin that a living pastor would have not approved of it and made proper arrangements to see that the saints were living a holy life. Once again God gave us pastors after his own heart.
As far as his dress code is concerned, he had the right to declare whatever he wanted to for his church, but the bible should be his basis for declaring everything instead of a list of arbitrary rules in hopes that people will walk around looking so bad that no one finds them attractive including themselves. God didn't call us to misery but abundant living. We are also warned against having a bunch of unecessary rules to put a strain on the lives of the people in the church.
Well, I will give you an opportunity to respond. More later!

06-01-2009, 08:25 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by citizen
Does anyone know how many preachers started their own ministry - who were saved under Bishop Lawson or were there any other break away preachers and if so what were their reasons for breaking away?
Bishop Lawson's ministry is still alive and well today. Bishop Bonner is the current bishop/apostle.
Unlike Bishop Johnson's ministry there hasn't been any court battles, at home tape players,a million spin-offs with the same doctrine refusing to fellowhip, anyone waiting on Lawson's resurrection from the dead or anything, as far as I know. If anyone knows of anything, feel free to share.

06-01-2009, 08:32 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
So only Bishop Johnson broke off from Bishop Lawson because of teachings they could not agree on?...or were there any other preachers. This seems fascinating.

06-01-2009, 08:33 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Sister Perez - what state do you fellowship in?

06-01-2009, 08:49 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by citizen
So only Bishop Johnson broke off from Bishop Lawson because of teachings they could not agree on?...or were there any other preachers. This seems fascinating.
Bishop Johnson founded the COTLJC; Bishop Brooks, The Way Of The Cross; Bishop Smallwood Williams, Bible Way; if I'm not mistaken, Bishop John Pernell also broke ranks with the COOLJC.
Don't know of any others, but there may have been.
The late Sam Cooke was COOLJC, as was Rev. Ike...Eddie Murphy and Toni Braxton were raised in the org, and her daddy was/is a bishop.

06-01-2009, 12:00 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Bump for Sis. Perez.
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