Originally Posted by Wilsonwas
"purifieth", ongoing always. Who is perfect enough to judge on this earth now. Certainly I am not.....do you think you are?
OK, let's do this one more time.
1 John 3:3
And everyone having this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
To the people the first century writer was writing to he indicates that they were expected to reach the fullness and stature of Christ
Ephesians 4:13. They were also to be in the unity of the faith. Nothing indicates that the process was constantly ongoing like a dog chasing its own tail.
Matthew 5:48
You however are to be complete, as your Heavenly Father is complete. Which can also be translated as "you however are to be finished, as your Heavenly Father is finished. This is the Greek word τέλειός which my wife would use on my daughters when she had enough, she would sternly say τέλειός!!!!
The Greek τέλειός means brought to its inevitable end, completly finished, fullness of time, mature. Yet, this isn't taught in Dispensationalist churches which mostly are Calvinist. Which teaches that man cannot possibly live for God, t be able to be as Christ is, pure, and righteous. The scripture says they that measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, are without understanding. Therefore you and I are not the standard in which we ask each other "how am I doing?" The measurement and stature we are to attain in this life is Christ.
1 John 3:7 nails it down, whether you believe that you have to die and go to heaven to get some spiritual lobotomy. Or become a spiritual Stepford Wife after you die and resurrect. Void of your own free thought, and choices.
1 John 3:7 holds a warning to the new convert that they were to let no one deceive them. The deception was that let no man tell them that they couldn't be as righteous as Jesus Christ. The Christian nation has a promise that they can attain what Jesus has to offer in this life. That we can be a righteous nation in His name
Isaiah 26:2