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08-29-2014, 01:04 PM
On the road less traveled
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Location: On a mountain... somewhere
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Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
No, we're not rabbits, and the vegan/vegetarian way is not for us!
I did get to watch the above video - thank you! It made me cringe to imagine how many "studies" that have been set forth to us as FACT, are actually just men crunching numbers and figures to arrive a preconceived hypothesis.
That is why we need to listen to our bodies, and be led by the Spirit. All that man tells us is "fact" is not... and we can be led by the spirit, and by seeing how our bodies react to different things, as to whether they are good for us or not, even when it comes to matters of health.
We have our own garden, buy organic produce, meat and dairy, and have tried to cut as much white processed wheat and sugar out of our diet as possible. I hope that Americans continue to acknowledge and face up to the lies that we have been fed over the last 50-60 years, and hope that more people will realize the dangers of anything man has chemically or genetically modified.

08-29-2014, 01:48 PM
Isaiah 56:4-5
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Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
If you're serious, I'm sorry for making light of this... and maybe Dr. E. Bacon can chime in his 0.2 worth.
totally serious.
I did breakfast tacos, salad and 2 chicken breasts for lunch. Don't recall dinner. I started to feel lighter. But 2 weeks in I get shaky and want to black out.

08-31-2014, 10:14 PM
On the road less traveled
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: On a mountain... somewhere
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Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
Originally Posted by houston
totally serious.
I did breakfast tacos, salad and 2 chicken breasts for lunch. Don't recall dinner. I started to feel lighter. But 2 weeks in I get shaky and want to black out.
You do need to pay attention to the signals your body sends you. Perhaps too much of something, or not enough of something else? Are you sensitive to sugar or caffeine?

09-01-2014, 12:41 AM
Recovering Pharisee
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Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
Originally Posted by good samaritan
I just want to know what the cut difference is. All I can tell is if the pants fit tight I can distinguish, but other than that it would take a color to give it away. I have never forbade a lady from wearing pants, but only teach them what the Bible says and a brief amount of US history.
Would it be o.k. you think for men to start a trend of wearing dresses? Why not because that is basically how ladies in our country started. I spoke to an old timer that lived back in the depression and he said he remembered his mother wearing his dad's pants underneath her skirt in the cotton fields to protect her legs, but it would have been unacceptable in their house for her to go to town wearing pants and they were baptist.
I understand it is now culturally accepted and because of that I wouldn't dream of spilling everything out at once on a new convert. But, I think you would agree that culture seems to drift further from God instead of closer to Him. Take a walk through your local Walmart and you will find most ladies wear pants, and then you shouldn't notice but most of them aren't modest. I get so frustrated at having to jerk my head every witch way to avoid "Christian" ladies wearing form fitted blue jeans and they are all most that way.
When ladies began wearing pants in our country it wasn't culturally accepted, but people kept on wearing them and pushing them until now it doesn't matter. Why do you think that boat wouldn't float for men? Most men phsycologically couldn't bring themselves to making a dress designed for their curves. If you think about the motivations for why it became culturally accepted you probably agree it hasn't been for the better.
Anyway, if issues like this is what SP was teaching I see why it has hurt the church. As EB said earlier you can't preach against something for decades and then just up and change your mind and say it doesn't matter anymore and expect people to just jump in line. Matter of fact it probably would be offensive to most of those who have supported the church to have grown it to what it is today.
I am not insulted by what you feel either way and I will pray for you and call you brother. I still feel the way I do regarding holiness standards and I will use wisdom with how and when I communicate it, but most importantly my family will example it. It is shameful to me though for preachers of the gospel to have ever taught it and to up and change their mind and offend and destroy the faith of people who have followed them. You should know where you stand before you start teaching anything.
Believe it or not, I am beginning to see men, very masculine men, out in public with their wives and those men are wearing man skirts! They are very rough, look like kilts that lost their plaid/tartan, and would in no way fit a woman's physique. I think they are hideously ugly but I have to say they are very masculine and no self respecting female would be found wearing one, just like no self respecting male I know would be caught wearing pastel capris.

09-01-2014, 12:50 AM
Recovering Pharisee
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Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
I have said nothing about SP personally. I have known him for years and at one time enjoyed hearing him. His direction will destroy what his Dad built. I love his parents and for that reason I wish I had kept my comments to myself. Not changed my mind about the good saints leaving I hope they all leave and would not have any problem telling him that. I pray he makes a reversal but honestly I have never seen it done when it is this blatant.
There are already two nonexistent congregations in that city over this very thing and this will probably be no different. I will be judged and measured by the same truth that will condemn him lest he repents.
You are worried that "his direction will destroy what his dad built"? Really? I thought this was God's church and i thought this was His body, you know, like the Bible says?
And please tell us, what truth is it that will condemn him unless he repents?

09-01-2014, 01:00 AM
Recovering Pharisee
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Oregon
Posts: 136
Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
Oh, wait, i just looked at Steve Pixler's church website and I believe I have figured out what the problem is! Why, there is a picture of three ladies singing on the platform and one of those ladies has short sleeves! And if you look close enough it looks like her skirt might be a tad too short, too! Dear Lord, flee saints, flee from the worldliness! Save yourselves!!!!

09-01-2014, 06:42 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
Originally Posted by Roxanne Murphy
Believe it or not, I am beginning to see men, very masculine men, out in public with their wives and those men are wearing man skirts! They are very rough, look like kilts that lost their plaid/tartan, and would in no way fit a woman's physique. I think they are hideously ugly but I have to say they are very masculine and no self respecting female would be found wearing one, just like no self respecting male I know would be caught wearing pastel capris.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

09-01-2014, 09:58 AM
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Front page of Cornerstone has a link to the Pastor's blog. If you click it, however, it gives you this message:

09-02-2014, 04:17 PM
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Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
Originally Posted by CC1
Someone PM'd me and suggested I watch / listen to Steve Pixler's sermon last Sunday at the church he pastors, Cornerstone Apostolic Church in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Because of a thread a few weeks ago about another SP sermon I had already listened to a couple of his sermons online and have been very impressed.
Last Sunday's sermon "Welcome Fellow Christians" (8/17/14) is apparently part of a series of sermons that I will now try and go back and listen to the previoius ones.
In any case I thought this sermon was one of the best I have ever heard about the subject matter in or out of old time Pentecost.
If I could pick one sermon to be preached at a UPC General Conference or WPF meeting it would be this one.
I don't think the fortitude it takes to preach messages like this in the context of an old time Pentecostal enviroment and history can be over emphasized. Men have been misunderstood, mischaracterized, and alienated for much less frankness than this.
So far the three sermons I have heard in the last month or two are amazing examples of the right way to prepare a church to carry out the Great Commission in a better way. What he preaches about goes to the core of parts of Pentecostal culture that are not just extra biblical but unbiblical.
My hope will be that conservatives who would never be open to a word from a liberal will be open to considering this word from one of their own.
Here is a link to the Cornerstone Apostolic media page where you can find the link to the 8/17/14 Sunday sermon;
Thank you CC1. Roxanne has been following this and I finally had a chance to listen to the message that started this post and it is tremendous. I can see why the ultra-cons are up in arms. Thanks for posting!

09-02-2014, 05:15 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
The liberals are up in arms because the ultra cons are up in arms?
Why not go and cook up some nice liver and onions smothered in bacon!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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