I am purchasing these pictures that my daughter found. I love Italy! Getting them for only $40 each. She sent the photos to my email this morning to see if I wanted them. YES! Bringing them to me this weekend.
Armoirs, Chiffirobes, Wardrobes, Tall-boys, whatever you call them in your part of the country... closets that are furniture, not built in closets. I also have shoe racks and hooks on the backs of all the bedroom doors where gowns, robes, and daily wear clothes like my 'barn skirt' hang between wearings, a couple of hall-trees and a long row of hooks on a wooden piece in the mud room where all the jackets, hoodies, etc hang and some boot racks and a hat rack in there as well. We also just have fewer clothes since moving here. In our old home, where we had two walk in closets in the master bedroom I kept them stuffed by frequent trips to the mall and Don had a suit collection for church.
Now we have dedicated ourselves to simplicity... I put most those clothes in Rubbermade tubs in the attic and 'shop' from them when I need new stuff. I only keep what I can fit in my wardrobe in my room and honestly I have not bought an article of clothing in six years. I have purposed to give much of my clothing away to the next rummage sale at the local UPC church since I will probably never have need again of the more fancy and expensive dresses I have (well except maybe my vintage Gunne Sax ). Don has two suits (for weddings and funerals). This life on the farm is a different life and it has made us different people with different needs... and closets just aren't one of them.
Armoirs, Chiffirobes, Wardrobes, Tall-boys, whatever you call them in your part of the country... closets that are furniture, not built in closets. I also have shoe racks and hooks on the backs of all the bedroom doors where gowns, robes, and daily wear clothes like my 'barn skirt' hang between wearings, a couple of hall-trees and a long row of hooks on a wooden piece in the mud room where all the jackets, hoodies, etc hang and some boot racks and a hat rack in there as well. We also just have fewer clothes since moving here. In our old home, where we had two walk in closets in the master bedroom I kept them stuffed by frequent trips to the mall and Don had a suit collection for church.
Now we have dedicated ourselves to simplicity... I put most those clothes in Rubbermade tubs in the attic and 'shop' from them when I need new stuff. I only keep what I can fit in my wardrobe in my room and honestly I have not bought an article of clothing in six years. I have purposed to give much of my clothing away to the next rummage sale at the local UPC church since I will probably never have need again of the more fancy and expensive dresses I have (well except maybe my vintage Gunne Sax ). Don has two suits (for weddings and funerals). This life on the farm is a different life and it has made us different people with different needs... and closets just aren't one of them.
My Granny had this huge cedar chifferobe she kept her things in. I remember how wonderful it smelled. Our family has always lived pretty simple too. I like it that way.
I have a picture I believe is of Italy and just love it.
Thanks! I thought they were going to be huge, but they look fine. Put the double door picture in the master bedroom and the house in the living room. I also bought a smaller one for the dining room - a street with pavers, half brick, have stucco building, above the two doors, wrought iron baskets with geraniums. $100 for all three was a great find!
Ferdinand is feeling nostalgic this holiday season.
The truth of the matter is that he may have gotten away with pulling his sister's pigtails, but no one is going to pull mine. He's going to have some bruises to go along with that. That's what's up.