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05-28-2009, 10:43 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
What is wrong with cotton stockings? Bishop Johnson had his own type of dress code. And yes, there was definitely a difference between the way the women of his movement dressed and the way the world dressed. Bishop Johnson killed PRIDE from A - Z. If a woman is dead- Spiritually speaking- Nylon stockings would definitly add life- Yep- you know good and well the women like to show off their legs and show their flesh. People do things with an ungodly "spirit" which will Prompt PRIDE. And Bishop Johnson Killed Pride. His folks was seperate from worldly folks. You knew Bishop Johnsons women or women under elders that attempt to continue in the Apostolic Doctrine. Most women
today that are so called christian -- you cant tell. Why? There is no difference between the Holy and the unholy. They are all the same. Unholy!! The bible says to put a difference between them. So he was right. He made the rules for his organization and if people didnt want to be a part of it that was their choice. If you cant beat them as they say, then join them. The people were following his dress code, just obiediently obeying who had the rule over them, since they chose to follow his teachings. I mean how hard is that to understand? He preached the true word and what he bound on earth, God bound in Heaven. What he loosed on Earth, God loosed in Heaven. Also, People have their ideas and opinions, but cant no one, (well not that I know of) put their money were their mouth is like he did. He offered the entire religious world $500,000.00 to prove him wrong in one thing he preached. And as far as I know, nobody ever Got it. So I know the man was right and everyone that dont preach what he preached concerning the Apostolic Doctrine is wrong. If they dont preach what he preached, then they should be able to Certify what they preach with a Reward to anyone that can condemn just one thing that they preach with Bible. Also what is the 5% that the Holy Temple teach that is different from Bishop Johnsons teachings. I was thinking of visiting them. PAZ!

05-28-2009, 10:55 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by sis_perez
What is wrong with cotton stockings? Bishop Johnson had his own type of dress code. And yes, there was definitely a difference between the way the women of his movement dressed and the way the world dressed. Bishop Johnson killed PRIDE from A - Z. If a woman is dead- Spiritually speaking- Nylon stockings would definitly add life- Yep- you know good and well the women like to show off their legs and show their flesh. People do things with an ungodly "spirit" which will Prompt PRIDE. And Bishop Johnson Killed Pride. His folks was seperate from worldly folks. You knew Bishop Johnsons women or women under elders that attempt to continue in the Apostolic Doctrine. Most women
today that are so called christian -- you cant tell. Why? There is no difference between the Holy and the unholy. They are all the same. Unholy!! The bible says to put a difference between them. So he was right. He made the rules for his organization and if people didnt want to be a part of it that was their choice. If you cant beat them as they say, then join them. The people were following his dress code, just obiediently obeying who had the rule over them, since they chose to follow his teachings. I mean how hard is that to understand? He preached the true word and what he bound on earth, God bound in Heaven. What he loosed on Earth, God loosed in Heaven. Also, People have their ideas and opinions, but cant no one, (well not that I know of) put their money were their mouth is like he did. He offered the entire religious world $500,000.00 to prove him wrong in one thing he preached. And as far as I know, nobody ever Got it. So I know the man was right and everyone that dont preach what he preached concerning the Apostolic Doctrine is wrong. If they dont preach what he preached, then they should be able to Certify what they preach with a Reward to anyone that can condemn just one thing that they preach with Bible. Also what is the 5% that the Holy Temple teach that is different from Bishop Johnsons teachings. I was thinking of visiting them. PAZ!
Preach it Good Sister A! Errrrr, I mean, Sis Perez! (Your last name isn't Hilton is it?)

05-29-2009, 05:14 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
PTL Sisters- Sis Martha, and Sis. Warrior. Id like to chime in a little on the conversation I see between you both concerning these Preachers calling themselves Apostles, that have Learned what they learned from Bishop Johnson. Well I can only say what Bishop Johnson said, If they learned one thing from him, then they had to be TAUGHT. If they had to be TAUGHT- then..........God didnt send them. Remember ........God opened up the Apostles understanding. What the Apostles had- they got it by REVELATION, meaning, they got it Direct From God. So I dont understand how these preachers - Preach the truth- I cant knock that--but then they say that they are Apostles- and many of them Learned from Bishop Johnson-and that is what makes them wrong. They are lying on God. God opened up the understanding of the Apostles. Apostles dont need no man to open up nothing to them. They get it Direct from God as Did Paul and the rest of the Apostles. So what man does anyone know that is living today-that is preaching the truth- got what they Got Direct from God? We can not say that a man cannot preach the truth. There is no bible forbidding a man to preach the truth. But they better preach what the Apostles preached- and do like Bishop said- Dont say God sent them. They have Bible for Desiring to do what the bible call a Good Work. And the bible has qualifications that the man must meet to be a steward of God. The Baltimore Ave. church in Phila. if you listen to their Program on Sundays.- Part of their scrip says, "What are the Qualifications of an Apostolic Bishop?" And they dont even Believe in Preachers. Anyway, there is no Bible that says that one can only preach the truth if he was ordained of Bishop Johnson. And John, the last Apostle did not ordain Bishop Johnson. Also just because a man was ordained by Bishop Johnson, does not make the man right. From what I understand, I could be wrong, but Bishop ordained Selby and sent him out. Bishop Willards members claim that Selby said he was an apostle. But as for the tape listeners, and stay homers...They are very careful....Because most of these preachers are flat out liars. I was thinking of visiting the Holy Temple Church. But I started to question it because when someone is called an apostle- Well, I have heard what Bishop Johnson has said, I have read what the Bible said and these two agree, then here come something strange.........All these so called apostles out here why are they not together. So the Bible is right and somebody is definitely Wrong. Many tape listeners are confused by Bishop Johnsons teaching. But not all. Many dont believe anyone else can preach. Well many of them have what Bishop say on the tape contridicting the Bible. That is why they need a leader. Peace Be Sisters.

05-29-2009, 05:18 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
And warrior, what is it about Bishop Johnson that you dont agree with?

05-30-2009, 05:54 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Good Morning Sis. Perez, I just wanted to acknowledge your post. I am on my way to work but I will respond when I get home later this evening.

05-31-2009, 05:06 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Sis. Perez, my issue include people putting God in a box claiming that the entire WORLD has to hear Bishop Johnson. There is no scripture for that. The Bible makes no mention of all of the profound things that his followers claim he is. i.e. 14th apostle. The scripture easily proves the no son of God doctrine flawed. I posted the scriptures in a previous posts. Also, Bishop Johnson did have a right to make any rule he saw fit to make for his church, but there is no scripture for the dress code that he has set for his church. Those are my issues.

05-31-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
There are people who worship SCJ and are still waiting on him to rise from the dead.
If you tune into the previous posts you will see everything that has been said.

05-31-2009, 09:55 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Well I understand exactly what you are saying about people putting God in a box. It is almost like they are forgetting that Bishop was only used of God and now that he's gone they praise him more than God. So I understand your point. And as far as the world having to hear him, well what he preached was the Apostolic doctrine- the truth- and Jesus told the Apostles - he that heareth you heareth me and He brougt Bible for what he preached. As far as some claiming he is the 14th Apostle, well. he taught to keep silent where the bible keep silent- so I claim him to be an apostle but I dont attach a number to to it. I dont recall him doing it. And as far as the dress code well he was not condemned with the world- right? I mean we as Followers of God are supposed to be Dead to the world. So if you put a long skirt and cotton stocking and long sleeves on a dead person in the hot summer time, it wont bother them. I mean God hates Pride. God hates a Proud look. So Bishop made sure there was no pride in his dress code.

05-31-2009, 10:26 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
And I am not understanding. You said "The scripture easily proves the no son of God doctrine flawed." Do you blieve there is a son of God in heaven Now? I am not sure I unserstand this statement.
And as far as people waiting for Bishop to come back, well they are entitled to believe that Bishop will come back, for God honors the Faith of the Heathens. but even though I am a tape listener, I have different views than many of the different groups. As far as i am concerned, they are putting God in a pretty low place if they think Bishop Johnson
is the only one God can use to preach the word. The Bible says to Continue in what we have learned. Bishop Preached the gospel of Christ. We all should be together praising God and continuing in the Apostles doctrine, and lifting up the Name of Jesus. I mean we will never forget Bishop and yes we thank God for using such a Great man to Deliver his word, but somebody has to Declare this Generation. Long as we have the Gospel of Christ our job is to pass it on to help someone else to escape Hell. Its a shame all these tape listeners out here and they cant even get together. And oh, they will take what some of what Bishop say and ignore the rest, and will totally refuse to give ear to the scripture. Its a shame, but to some, because of the hardness of their hearts, God has probably sent them a strong delusion so that they will believe a lie. Sometime Bishops authority spoke out and sometimes the spirit spoke. Such as Bishop said he was going to sit the Elders down if they didnt stay in their place. He had his reason why he said this, but many of the tape listeners say, Cant nobody preach. Bishop sat all the Elders down. But Jesus said, If a man desire the office of a Bishop he desires a Good work. And then God has qualifications that a man must meet. But many of the tape listeners wont even consider the word, or Bishops reason for why he said what he said and some of the things that he did.

06-01-2009, 05:36 AM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by sis_perez
Well I understand exactly what you are saying about people putting God in a box. It is almost like they are forgetting that Bishop was only used of God and now that he's gone they praise him more than God. So I understand your point. And as far as the world having to hear him, well what he preached was the Apostolic doctrine- the truth- and Jesus told the Apostles - he that heareth you heareth me and He brougt Bible for what he preached. As far as some claiming he is the 14th Apostle, well. he taught to keep silent where the bible keep silent- so I claim him to be an apostle but I dont attach a number to to it. I dont recall him doing it. And as far as the dress code well he was not condemned with the world- right? I mean we as Followers of God are supposed to be Dead to the world. So if you put a long skirt and cotton stocking and long sleeves on a dead person in the hot summer time, it wont bother them. I mean God hates Pride. God hates a Proud look. So Bishop made sure there was no pride in his dress code.
Sis. P...
A couple of things...first, no offense, but if you would post in shorter paragraphs or sentences it would make for easier reading. I don't mean shorter posts, just break it up for easier forum reading.
Second, your reasoning regarding us being dead to the world so the heat of summer shouldn't bother us is flawed.
We are supposed to be dead to the world, but we are not dead as a door nail.
Thus we are still subject to the elements...if it's raining outside, and I walk out in it without an umbrella, I will get wet.
If the temp is in the 80s (may be comfortable for some, but to me it's hot), I'm going to want to seek for an air conditioned place.
The heat of the day doesn't open the door for dressing in an immodest fashion, but it doesn't mean I have to cover from head to foot to not be of the world.
NOW, if that is YOUR conviction, fine, but it's not mine...AND I don't have a proud look, either.
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