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Old 05-12-2009, 09:58 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Prax it was (I) who noted the fact that the alter, like the Kabaa, is symbolic. I also (clearly) specified how stupid it is to accuse christians (the what now has become FEW to NONE lol) who pray facing their alter of following pagan practices because they built the thing in the first place. That is also and unfortunately how I view your implication that facing the Kabaa = worshipping the Kabaa.

I deliberately leave catholics out of these discussions. There is a whole fertile field of "evil stuff done in the name of biblical teachings" that is specifically reserved for the catholics lol.

I have no comment on the body part thing. Statistically every 6 seconds and all that good stuff. That's your deal and your research. Have fun. Personally no matter what site this is I would certainly have more respect for the founders than to make a remark like that. Especially unfounded.

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
To pray AT. The word "alter" is more symbolic. Where ever we pray AT we are praying AT an alter. That is what you don't understand. We are not praying ON an alter or towards an alter or to an alter.

It ISN'T the same thing, like an alter someone in a Roman Catholic church faces that has a statue of Mary on it. An ALTER to some is an object of worship. An ALTER to others is simply a place TO worship. Thus, we are not "facing" a platform like pagans face Mecca. We don't revere or idolize a rock that fell from the sky and kiss and caress an ancient alter of pagan worship that is meant to symbolize a vagina.
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Old 05-12-2009, 10:27 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Jason View Post
I'm glad to hear that. However as Prax said, atheiest, buddishts, christians, or anyone can fit into taht category.

Please let me share with you what Jesus has done for me:
I came to Him at the age of 18. My parents divorced when I was five. My mother had custody of us, and has been married I think 8 times now. So obviously, we had some major problems, different kinds of abuse, child protective services, gangs, drugs, strip clubs, police arresing people at my house, on and on. I had left home while I was still in high school, and tried to make it on my own. Now I was even more miserable, and providing for myself. Though I had friends who sold drugs, and i was offered the easy money, I did manage to work a real job-which only added to my misery. here I am strugling, hating life, depresssed and lonely (though I had shacked up with a girl-but when sinful things weren't going on, all we did was fight), and contemplating suicide. Look what my life had been, and here I am at 17 looking at another 50 years of this misery, I may as well give up now.

I had gone to church a few times, but it was boring, I hated it, and everything I did was sin-literally.

Anyway, God began to convict me of my lifestyle. I was so miserable that only He could help me. Long story short, I repented of my sins at age 18, I was baptizes, and filled with the Holy Ghost. When I was filled with the Holy Ghost, I spoke in tongues. It wasn't something anyone told me to do, or anything I was very familiar with. However, that doesn't matter,except that it was from God. What matters is, from that time there was a very radical change in mine (and my wife life-she recieved the Hoyl Ghost 3 weeks after me).

From that time immediately we both quit cussing (haven't since-that was 9years ago), quit smoking (no patches needed, God did it), quit drinking, our attitudes were chagned, our hearts were changed. Quit (fist) fighting with others, as well as among ourselves. God fixed our marriage, which was all but over, (still together 10 years later).

Not only that, but at the time we came to Jesus, I had lost our apartment, my job, and our car. We had nothing. The night my wife recieved the holy Ghost, she was still speaking in tongues when we got home. Since we lost our apartment, we were staying with other people. They asked what's wrong with her (since she was speaking something other than english), and when I explained, we were told to find a new place to live. We lived in a motel for the next several months.

Anyway, God helped us out of that situation. I began to get raises at work, and soon we were able to move into an apartment. Jesus began to work out everything is such a miraculous way. Here I was a failure, drop out, troubled youth written off to end up dead or in prison, having experienced the kind of life transforming religious experience that so many wish they had, or claim to have had. God was good, but the best was yet to come. About 4 years later.

My first child was crippled with Juvenille Rhumatoid Arthritus. We were refered to several specialist, as well as had visits at Cook's Children's in Fort Worth, and Children Miracle Network in Dallas, and also Scottish Rite Children's Hospital. We were told that our little girl would never be able to be a normal child, and public school would be a bad idea. She would never be able to play or participate with the other kids, and that she would need hip replacement surgery, amongst other things. In December 2004, Bro. Donnie Napier preached at our church, and afterward we had prayer for Hannah (my daughter). God miraculously healed her. Her leg didn't straighten out immediately when we laid hands on her. But that night she didn't compalin about any pain, and within a few days her leg was completely healed, and has been every since. Not only does she go to public school, and enjoy a normal life, she is an honor roll student. She is very active, doing all of the things the doctors said she never would, and all of that with out any persciption medicines, or any of the surgeries that were planned for her.

To keep it short, I will say, not only these things, but I have prayed for people who were dying, and they lived, cast out a demon (only once-and it was freaky, like "surely this isn't happening"), seen the work of God, and had many prayers answered in Jesus name. Broken bones healed by prayer. As the song goes, "He's been so good to me, I cannot tell it all."

I don't know what your allah can do for you. I know that Jesus is a God who I can call on in the most dire and desperate of situations, and He answers prayer.

From what you post, you seem like you are/were genuinely searching for truth. I'm not going to tear you down. I completely understand where your coming from. Christianity in general has become carnal, worldly, and the complete opposite of what Jesus commanded us to do and be like. We have celebrity preachers in it for the money, and "saints" who live like the devil. I believe that Christianity as a whole is apostate. However, there is still a true church, filled with true believers. There is still a God, who came manifest in flesh to save us. There is truth, there is a God, and if you search for Him with your whole heart you will find Him. You will find that He loves you when you don't deserve it. You will find when you fail Him, He doesn't fail you. You will find that when your unfaithful, He's still faithful. I am so sorry that Christianity as a whole has turned genuine people such as yourself, and thousands others away, because many churches long ago made took Christ out of Christianity, and made it about themselves, their social clubs, and their economic status. These things should never be so, and I do believe taht they will be judged for it.

WII, I want to remind you, even if you deny Him, cuss Him, or simply think of Him to be nothing more than a mere man, Jesus loves you, and died for your sin. The only atonement that can be made, was made by Him.

your friend,
(also from the south)

just a reminder for you W.I.I.
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Old 05-12-2009, 10:52 PM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
You (PressingOn) are right. And, since it entertains you (or appears to) you are well within your rights, if you have a Muslim co-worker, who also smokes, to innocently say "I was told that Islam prohibits smoking. nt these people will be or have the right to be stunned or surprised.
Sorry to disappoint. I didn't know any Muslims that smoked, they only snorted coke.

Anyway, that's taking a bit of a tangent. I'm still focusing on the origins of the Islamic faith - still not looking very solid to me. I can't move on from there, it's like being stuck in the mud and nowhere to go.
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Old 05-13-2009, 02:41 AM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Prax it was (I) who noted the fact that the alter, like the Kabaa, is symbolic. I also (clearly) specified how stupid it is to accuse christians (the what now has become FEW to NONE lol) who pray facing their alter of following pagan practices because they built the thing in the first place. That is also and unfortunately how I view your implication that facing the Kabaa = worshipping the Kabaa.

I deliberately leave catholics out of these discussions. There is a whole fertile field of "evil stuff done in the name of biblical teachings" that is specifically reserved for the catholics lol.

I have no comment on the body part thing. Statistically every 6 seconds and all that good stuff. That's your deal and your research. Have fun. Personally no matter what site this is I would certainly have more respect for the founders than to make a remark like that. Especially unfounded.
We don't "face an altar"...we face a platform. That's what you are not getting. You guys, everywhere around the world, all face mecca. That stone is and was the center piece of goddess worship. It is a remnant left over from a matriarchal based worship system and that is why the stone is encased in what looks like a female vulva.

I can only imagine the power or appeal it possessed to the Arabs to make Muhammed not rip it apart and destroy that pagan idol.
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  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 05-13-2009, 02:43 AM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Sorry to disappoint. I didn't know any Muslims that smoked, they only snorted coke.

Anyway, that's taking a bit of a tangent. I'm still focusing on the origins of the Islamic faith - still not looking very solid to me. I can't move on from there, it's like being stuck in the mud and nowhere to go.
Im sure we can find muslims engaging in all sort of vices...or at least claiming to be muslims
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 05-13-2009, 11:06 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Where there you go. Do not miss an opportunity to call them out on it. I would venture a guess you can do that with less consequence than capn TP's toilet paper investigation.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Sorry to disappoint. I didn't know any Muslims that smoked, they only snorted coke.

Anyway, that's taking a bit of a tangent. I'm still focusing on the origins of the Islamic faith - still not looking very solid to me. I can't move on from there, it's like being stuck in the mud and nowhere to go.
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Old 05-13-2009, 11:06 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

(laughing) aint that a fact. I'm sure you can.

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Im sure we can find muslims engaging in all sort of vices...or at least claiming to be muslims
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Old 05-13-2009, 11:07 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

I appreciate the post. I have the best gift of all. Contentment.

Originally Posted by Jason View Post
just a reminder for you W.I.I.
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Old 05-13-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Where there you go. Do not miss an opportunity to call them out on it. I would venture a guess you can do that with less consequence than capn TP's toilet paper investigation.
Even though what I said was true, I apologize for being personal about it. I'll try to stay on topic and not horse around with it. It's much too serious of a topic to get personal. I apologize again.
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Old 05-13-2009, 11:37 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

(laughing) I got the point. None of you have or pray at an alter. Got it. <cough>yeahright<cough> 'scuse me. OH and "alter services" do not happen. Even the word "alter" is not used. Got that too. I was confused there. <cough>liar<cough> re-scuse me. <sniff> Must be a touch of 'pig' flu. See reference to boxes below. Probably where it came from.

There were idols at the Kabaa. 300+ of them. They were all destroyed. The last idol standing was Hubal. It was destroyed as well. But we're repeating now aren't we.

The Kabaa is shaped like a cube. You know, a box. You like that boxy shape do you? Good thing too. Boxes need love too. How fortunate for the boxes of the world. (I am so keeping a straight face) This train of commentary is RICH with promise. I will now go have my tongue stitched. It's nearly bitten in half.

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
We don't "face an altar"...we face a platform. That's what you are not getting. You guys, everywhere around the world, all face mecca. That stone is and was the center piece of goddess worship. It is a remnant left over from a matriarchal based worship system and that is why the stone is encased in what looks like a female vulva.

I can only imagine the power or appeal it possessed to the Arabs to make Muhammed not rip it apart and destroy that pagan idol.
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