I didnt come on here to drag people in my ordeal. This is a forum and I thought it was a good place to just get stuff off my chest. I thought it would be best to write on a forum where it couldn’t and won’t have an impact on my church.
I didnt expect to come on here and get some AMAZING revelation as to why things are the way they are nor did I hope any of you would give me a solution or quick fix. I really am not here to whine or get pity from you and Im sure you are aware of that, again just needed to get it off my chest.
I appreciate all the responses this thread has received and if anything it had done me good to just talk about it, even if not understood by some of you.
i think those of us who have taken you to task understand more than we care to share. I know at least parts of some of these peoples stories. It would amaze you. believe me many who have been kind of hard on you have walked exactly where you are....
my prayer for you and your family is that you come thru it unscathed and still in love with Jesus.
and check that link it might help some.
compared with...
Oh good grief. what a silly post!
I am supposed to believe that you have been in leadership in a conservative UPCI church for years now and you are “shocked” that those folks are worried about you since it seems you are “going charismatic”?
Get real dude, you know full well what the attitudes are in conservative circles about those who are more liberal than they are. And if you have been any kind of leader at all, you know the people of your church as well as you know anyone on the planet.
So you are “shocked” because it helps your conscience or you aren’t shocked at all and this is just another chance to “bash the UltraCons”. Or maybe you aren’t in leadership at all. I don’t know which it is but there is a lack of honesty happening here and I suspect you are the one you aren’t being honest with.
Don’t blame these people for you turning your back on them! Yea, I said it! YOU are the one walking away, they haven’t gone anywhere. YOU are rejecting what THEY ARE. It isn’t the other way around. Ostensibly (according to you) you have been teaching these people for years how to act and look. Now you are walking away from your own teaching.
This is about YOU bro. It is not now, nor has it ever been about the people you have been going to church with that aren’t changing.
So my wife and I have decided to look into possibly attending a different church. We have always gone to an oneness UPC church and now we have decided to check things out at a different church. The church we have visited and are interested in preaches acts 2:38 and has had wonderful services every time we have visited. The church preaches the same message our church does but doesn’t seem to focus on the traditions our church focuses on. They seem to really love one another and are very welcoming when we visit.
MY pastor is aware of this decision and gave us his blessing to search for what it is we think we need. I have always been active in my church and have held positions and have always respected the rules because I was in leadership. I have decided I can’t do it anymore and I needed be true to who I am and my wife feels the same so this is the reason for our search.
Members of our current church heard we visited this other church and they are now praying for our salvation and have labeled us as backslidden and their faith in us has diminished..This was in an email I received from one of them.
How can this be?? I can’t believe people have this mentality.
Im writing this hear because I don’t in anyway want to offend those that go to my church or disrespect my Pastor but Im so confused...why on earth would people think this? DO we (UPC) tradition holders really think we are the only heaven bound people out there? Like I said we were just visiting and looking around with the POSSIBILITY of leaving but now why would we stay?
Its hurts to think people who have been friends with for so many years could turn their back on us so fast. I in no way would condemn them for holding certain traditions and staying where they are so what gives them the right to do it to me?
Anyway guess I just had to get it off my chest so I didn’t regret calling or emailing someone!...
Can you please define what you would consider "traditions"?
Well fist off nothing in this post is a lie. Im not shocked that they have questions but I am SHOCKED that true Christians would ever label someone so fast because they VISITED another church. Im also shocked because these people are my family and I feel if a true concern comes from them then they should come to me and discuss it and not talk to everyone else about it.
Secondly I have not once BASHED anyone. I respect my leadership and I love the foundation that the UPC has given me and I do love my church and the people in it. I just wish their minds were a bit more open to realize not EVERYONE will do as they do but that don’t mean they are hell bound.
Also I am not turning my back on anyone or my church, Im simply doing what I feel is best for my family. Im not saying they are wrong or that I want nothing to do with them. I just want to see what else is out there!!
Man you got on your high horse quick!!! ULTRA CON or LIBERAL as they come I still expect Christians to be on this Forum considering its called APOSTOLIC FRIENDS FORUM.
Whether or not the name of this forum is a truthful description of it has been debatable for sometime now.
Seeings its direction now, it should probably have a name change!
Whether or not the name of this forum is a truthful description of it has been debatable for sometime now.
Seeings its direction now, it should probably have a name change!