Must be getting late because I am not sure what you are saying.
But for the record I am saying that if the organization chose to; they could have zero tolerance for sexual sin among the ministry. A good attorney could could write a policy for the organization that has teeth.
Letting people off the hook becuase no one signs a piece of paper is ludicrous.
And suggesting that a better policy is not feasible because integrity issues sounds a bit like double speak. What have those with integrity got to be afraid of?
I agree that a zero tolerance policy is the best policy. Seemingly, that is what is written policy. The issue is how one goes about prving such an infraction occured. Think about it: Is the organization now going to have to chase down every rumor and either prove it or disprove it? Or, as policy states, they will investigate if there is a written and signed complaint.
If a man will not admit to a moral failing and the accuser will not put the accusation in wiritng, then what can be done? I think even you realize the legal implicationsof acting in the absence of one of those.
I never suggested a better policy was not feasible because of integrity issues; I was pointing out that one should not be necessary because of integrity. it is a shame one has to exist for any religious organization.
Those with integrity have nothing to fear. Never said they did.
Exodus 29:7 "Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour it upon his head, and anoint him."
From Strong's Concordance: anoint - rub with oil, that is, to anoint; by implication to consecrate; also to paint: - anoint, paint.
I know it's OT, but just out of would one anoint a head with oil ("rub with oil", according to the definition), without putting one's hand on the head?
And IF anointing the head with oil was the custom in the OT, it stands to reason that when the disciples spoke of laying on hands and praying, that would be what they referred to.
The only time it specifies that Jesus took someone by the hand (that I'm aware of) is when Jairus' daughter was healed. The rest of the time it just speaks of "lay...hands upon" or something similar, so how do you draw laying hands on hands from that?
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
I believe I can honestly say I've never accidentally rubbed someone's butt.
Accidentally touched, perhaps, but that's no different than accidentally touching someone's arm or stomach. It happens even when the crowd isn't that pressing.
Well I think if you are moving when the touch takes place,it's a rubb,sorry people on hear has their mind in the gutter.
Not much different, IMO, than a man having an anger issue with his wife. I have a great amount of respect for someone who is fighting to over come and may stumble. Hopefully they are moving in the right direction and are having less and less falls. For every man who has the integrity and honesty to admit his struggle and trust someone to tell them when he falls for accountability there are a hundred or maybe even a thousand who are just "quietly" in bondage.
I have worked with men who have admitted addiction to porn. I have never judged them and have only had compassion and told them that they needed to fight the good fight to be free from domination. I have always encouraged them to know that they can be free and that I will be their chief "cheerleader" and supporter. I have rarely been let down.
I agree with what you have stated in the bolded statement above. When I was Regional Director for Promise Keepers I was involved in several men's meetings dealing with this issue. At first I was totally blown away by the number of men who struggle with this issue. I was especially taken back by those involved in ministry who needed deliverance.
One of the things I concluded is that there is a difference between those who are honestly seeking help with their addiction and those who would use these meetings only as a way of feeling less guilty about their addiction because others also struggled with porn.
As you have stated, it's the direction someone is moving in that makes the difference as to whether they actually make progress. Standing still is not progress. There are very specific precautions that those with porn addiction must take. If they don't commit to these precautions I tend to question their sincerity.
Accountability is vital in combating this addiction! Promise Keepers has been very good in providing support for this type of ministry.
Exodus 29:7 "Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour it upon his head, and anoint him."
From Strong's Concordance: anoint - rub with oil, that is, to anoint; by implication to consecrate; also to paint: - anoint, paint.
I know it's OT, but just out of would one anoint a head with oil ("rub with oil", according to the definition), without putting one's hand on the head?
And IF anointing the head with oil was the custom in the OT, it stands to reason that when the disciples spoke of laying on hands and praying, that would be what they referred to.
The only time it specifies that Jesus took someone by the hand (that I'm aware of) is when Jairus' daughter was healed. The rest of the time it just speaks of "lay...hands upon" or something similar, so how do you draw laying hands on hands from that?
That's all I was able to find as well.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
There are many things I would love to say unto you, but ye are not able to bear them at this time.
I will bow to your obvious expertise and vast experience in this rather offbeat but obviously (for you) captivating subject.
I would hope that you let your moderation be known to all men, and that you would, forgetting those things that are behind, press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling.