I've always been told that when you come to the end of your rope, you tie a knot and hang on. What do you do when you have nothing left to tie a knot with?
Keep in mind that I've spent Thursday & Friday with the two extra kids mentioned in a prior post in this thread, and my nerves are already worn to a very thin thread....
Last night before Michael went to bed, he wasn't feeling very well so I gave him his breathing treatment, some tylenol, cough syrup and allergy meds.
I talked with the grandmother of the two toddlers, and she assured me that she would be here early Sat. morning to pick them up.
Just a glimpse into today--
It started at 6:30am. I woke up knowing that I would be spending the morning taking my husband for a dental appointment. About 10 minutes before I need to walk out the door-- I check on Michael. His face is burning hot-- check temp-- 103*.
I can't possibly cancel the dental thing at the last minute, so I medicate symptoms to bring temp down, and give him his other usual daily meds. He wants to go back to sleep-- so I let him. I leave him in the care of his two older sisters with a call to grandma who lives less than a mile away to keep a close check on them while I'm gone for a couple of hours.
I call a couple of times to check on them, and things seem to be okay. The grandmother hadn't called or come to pick up the toddlers.
I run by Sam's club to pick up a few needed items for the house, and head back home.
I call again while driving, and find out that Michael's temp is starting to come back up more-- and hadn't dropped below 100*. I tell them to give more med for fever and how much-- and keep driving. No one has called or shown up to pick up the toddlers.
I get home approx 45 minutes to an hour later... His temp is back up near 102. Turns out his Sister totally forgot to give him the med when she got off the phone.
While all this is going on, hubby had suddenly disappeared. When he comes back, he is really pale and weak looking. I'll not get into details --I'll just say he is sick.
I go to talk to my other daughter... who is laying down in her room. She is feeling kinda dizzy so she had gone to lay down and see if the feeling would go away.
I picked up my phone and called the grandmother of the kids letting her know someone needed to come pick them up immediately-- and told her what was going on. Turns out she had the older of the kids herself, at her house, with the same symptoms that my son had. Fifteen minutes later, the father of the kids picked them up.
I closed the door behind the kids as they left... and looked at my family and I said that's it... every one of you get shoes and coats. Loaded every one of them into the van and headed for urgent care clinic.
Son & Hubby both tested positive for FLU. Younger daughter has what the nurse practioner said were most likely very early symptoms of the same thing hubby and son have.
I immediately notified the grandmother and told her they'd better go ahead and take those kids to be put on Tamiflu since the older brother had the symptoms too.
We all go to the same church... where there are several people who will not miss church no matter how much they are coughing, how high their fever is, etc... I'd love to know who to thank for passing it on to us. (Sorry, that wasn't nice... but I don't feel nice right now)
So anyway---after going by pharmacy-- which collected a hefty sum of $550+ from my medical insurance company and an additional $20 out of my pocket for the handful of prescriptions-- the entire household is now on Tamiflu... and 2 of the 5 of us have another bunch of other various meds they have to take as well.
Hubby came home and went straight to bed.
And to make things even more interesting... not only does Michael have all the sinus/cough/fever type symptoms.... he has spent the last hour laying on the loveseat covered up with a comforter watching a DVD...after spending what seemed like forever in the bathroom throwing up.
In the time it took me to type all this, my son has fallen asleep on the loveseat, and my daughter just turned off the DVD.
I am going to sit in the recliner in the room with him and rest while he's resting.
I won't really sleep, because can't really sleep when my kids are sick. I never do.
I've got a feeling this is going to be a very long night......