Originally Posted by pelathais
No. It demonstrates that the genealogies CANNOT be taken literally. Moreover, since I'm hardly the first person to notice the problems in the genealogies (See the Talmud, for example) it's quite apparent that the genealogies were NEVER intended to be taken literally.
The geneologies ARE to be taken literally. Would you posit that Jesus was only figuratively the Son of David? Or just symbolically Jewish? I believe the genologies are literal.
As for the "Zurubbabel question" I personally don't know, I haven't looked into it. My ignorance of a subject doesn't prove the Bible is in error. I'm far from knowing everything. If someone is basing their faith on my ability to answer all arguments their being foolish. To me its the same argument as Belshazzar, the Roman census, and the king named in Isaish 20:1. All these things in the past were thought to be slam dunk arguments against biblical inerrancy, and in time the Bible (as always) emerged vindicated.
Originally Posted by pelathais
If you can't (or won't) answer the Zerubbabel question - then tear the genealogies out of your Bible. They contradict one another and couldn't possibly be literal.
What a ridiculous statement. Because I don't understand something doesn't mean I throw it out. Its not I who has disregarded the plain reading of scripture in favor of ever changing atheistic scientific theories. Its not I who deny certain miracles in the Bible, and accept others which are convenient for me to accept. I don't understand how Lot's wife turned to salt, it sounds far fetched to me, but I believe it happened, because I believe the testimony of scripture and the power of God. Same goes for creation. God could do anything he wanted. And He told us exactly what He did do, but then we read it and say "God didn't do that or even worse God COULDN'T do that."
Originally Posted by pelathais
Bogus Jason. You've never asked me that question. I might miss somethings along the way but just inserting a claim like that is silly.
I think the post was on page 23 of this thread, it is the one that asked about belief in several miracles of the Bible. I reread the post, which was in response to you, and did bring up Adam and Eve, I can see how reading it my question was more of a statement. But it is there if oyu want to read it, however its a mott point since you answered it here:
Originally Posted by pelathais
And, can you show me where in the Bible anyone named " ˈa-dəm " is even identified? Go back and reread Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Where is anyone said to be in possession of "THE NAME" Adam? Even in Genesis 3:9 (NIV) when God Himself calls out to the man, He doesn't say that the man's "NAME" is "Adam."
Nowhere. You're just reading the Bible through your own cultural bias; or the King James translator's cultural bias. Consider the first occurrence of the word "Adam" in the KJV:
Genesis 2:19 ( CLICK the link in the left and read the Bible).
Now, consider another translation:
Genesis 2:19 (NIV)
In the Hebrew, it is always "the man" - literally. Your problem here is that you aren't even asking questions about the Bible ( "Do you believe there was a man literally created by God named Adam?").
Was his name ADAM, I personally believe the answer to be yes. Scripture always refers to him as ADAM. It is not unusual for other writers of scripture to referr to past events and people by name. Nowhere is the first man called any other name than ADAM.
But lets say just for the sake for the sake of argument the first man was simply called "MAN". Either way the first human being was specially created by God (not evolution or evolutionary process) and that man sinned. By ONE MANS SIN death came, so that by ONE MANS SACRIFICE salvation came. You cannot do away with ADAM without doing away with the gospel.
Romans 5. Whether his name was ADAM or not is irrelevant, though again, we have no reason to believe he was named anything else.
Originally Posted by pelathais
You're asking questions about somebody else's Sunday School coloring book. Get back to the Book that matters - the Bible!
How much does the Bible matter when you don't believe:
1)God created using the method and order given in
Genesis 1
2)the first man was called Adam
3)there was no worldwide flood
4)the genologies in the Bible are not literal
And these are ONLY the things you've mentioned. Personally I would assume that you also doubt the Sodom and Gomorrah story, Lot's wife, Balaams talking donkey, the account of Jericho, possible even the plagues on Egypt and the crossing of the Red Sea. I don't know your position on those things, but everytime I mention them you normally don't comment on them.
The impression your giving off to me is that you only believe in certain miracles in the Old Testament (but not most) and in the miracles of Jesus, including His ressurrection. I don't know. But having the stance you have on the Bible, it makes me wonder why you would say
" Get back to the Book that matters - the Bible!"
Just talking as friends here Pel, I know its a lively discussion.