Re: Kim Davis
Survivor, the 80s band who's hits includes "Eye of the Tiger," has filed a $1.2 million dollar lawsuit against Mike Huckabee and Kim Davis for their unauthorized use of the song during the Rally for Kim Davis this past Tuesday.
Republican candidates for President need to learn that there's a double-standard when it comes to musicians and politics. Democrats are allowed to play any song they like, since 99% of secular musicians and groups are raging liberals; however, Republicans are not allowed the same.
Now, in most cases, the band tweets or posts a message saying they don't agree with the politics and issue a cease and desist letter. Not so here. They're asking for $1.2 million because it's a Christian who stood against the militant gay mob - and won. It's all about Survivor's hatred of Kim Davis and her stand against SSM.
Unfortunately, the law is clear and I doubt this will be tossed, though I don't believe there's any reason they should receive $1.2 for the roughly 51 seconds of the intro to the song being played.