Originally Posted by Praxeas
I disagree. It was warranted. It was applied I censored ILG and that was not true. It was implied that I abused her...complaining about the constant UPC stuff is abuse??
No, saying someone is not capable of honesty is a very personal insult and was uncalled for. That means everything ILG says is a lie. You know this how?
She posted a private msg implying I hacked user accounts and other stuff that were just lies. They are not being honest.
She passed along something she was told in private. It did not mention anyone's name, neither a present nor a past admin. I would agree it probably should not have been posted, at least not in this discussion.
BTW nobody notices Her nor his posts were deleted nor were they banned. And I'm the bad guy who censors everyone??? Lol
Is the first sentence related to the private message?
I don't agree that you censor everyone. I have not seen you do so. I will share that the repeating over and over in this discussion how you and a couple others are tired of anti-UPC discussions, made it difficult to discuss the OP. It could be seen by some as harassment.
The TONE was already set. Did u see what the posted ? Are you being objective in criticizing me??
I read everything posted in this discussion. I spoke up when ILG was being misrepresented in her OP and I spoke up when it appeared there could have been a wrong attitude about people falling into sin. Please show me where ILG said anything close to "Prax is incapable of honesty".
BTW how about I step down then it will be OK right??? Because a lot o the posters single out the Admin usually. I hope u all have another place to go and attack the UPC and shake your fists at the Admin (not necessarily you), but im not interested in supporting this place anymore especially putting up with someone spreading lies then receiving grief over calling them out over it...
I have no beef with Admin. Yet as an admin, you help to set the example. If you are handing out personal attacks, what does that say to others? If the rules clearly state no personal attacks and an admin does it, then are the rules just for others and not admin? Some may feel this practice is acceptable since an admin did it. Another may feel that admin is bullying posters. Admin people need to have thick skin. They will always have people who will not be happy with them for one reason or another.
Things would have turned out much differently had you, and anyone else who felt this was an anti-UPC discussion, made one post stating such and let it go. Or better yet, have started a new discussion on the matter. Instead, this discussion has deteriorated to the extent that you are speaking of stepping down (I see no need of that.) and personal insults have ensued.