Originally Posted by Ferd
I am starting to like Newt again...
Ferd, I can't forget Newt saying that Paul Ryan was conducting right wing social engineering with his budget plan.
Another interesting point is that Newt, on the immigration issue, called us "heartless" if we took the view toward wanting to kick out 20 million immigrants. Funny, that is was not all right for Perry to have the same view.
"GINGRICH: No, but let me say this, John. No serious citizen who's concerned about solving this problem should get trapped into a yes/no answer in which you're either for totally selling out protecting America or you're for totally kicking out 20 million people in a heartless way.
And if Gingrich was so great in what he was doing, why after being the first GOP Speaker of the House, after 40 years, is he not still holding some office in the Government?
And why, after Gingrich threw his hat in the ring, did American Solutions start to fold?
I want someone who is and has been consistent and that is not Newt. Don't get me wrong, if he, somehow, gets the nomination, I will vote my party line. But, to say that he has been conservative the whole way down the line and supported conservative causes the whole way down the line, I'm not buying it.
And, if we are so impressed by his intellectual verbiage against a debate with Obama and that is our greatest concern, that is troubling to me. He is an intelligent man, but it isn't enough for me. I want someone with a record.
Perry has been a consistent conservative even when in the Democratic Party. Texas was largely a Democratic state, hardly having any Republican counties. When the party began to change, he made his move to the Republican Party. He has been consistent.