well, since you've decided to come out swinging, obviously this deserves a response...
Originally Posted by coadie
When your apologetics crash, Change the subject,
What apologetics have
you put forward? You've been asked the same question by different people maybe 20 times regarding
the biblical teaching against cosmetics... and you've offered nothing biblical. Zero. Human reasoning, yes.. Extra-biblical history, and psychology, sure.... But scriptural basis? None.
Why? because you have none. But rather than at least acknowledge that there is no biblical basis for your position, you keep shifting around, in an effort to justify yourself.
Originally Posted by coadie
You are ungodly insult to the religion i was raised in. I was raised as a Mennonite. We of course had our relatives come from Russia to this continents....
Really, who cares?
I'm an insult to the religion you were raised in, which is the Mennonite church (?). Why is that even relevant? What would I even care about the false-doctrine Mennonite church? Please. I don't see what that has to do with me.
Originally Posted by coadie
Very crude and deliberately unchristlike.
This would almost be funny if it weren't so absurd.
And you think
you've been Christlike? Really? (Think about one that before answering.)
Somebody puts forward some direct questions to you, hoping for some straightforward answers, and that's unChristlike? Do you even know what the word means? Furthermore,
take a look at your own self and your own harsh and judgmental nature you've displayed .
If you seriously think you've displayed a Christlike attitude here, then I feel sorry for you.
It's unchristlike to come at you with tough questions? Well, this is a discussion forum. If you cant stand the heat, why are you even in the kitchen?
The questions were direct and straightforward, but still with respect. Yet because you didn't like the questions, you chose to respond in a disrespectful and obnoxious way. And we're supposed to look at you as Christlike? Stop kidding yourself.
Your own spirit and attitude comes across as mean and harsh toward the saints of God who disagree with you on this. How dare you act like you're more holy than anyone else around here?
Originally Posted by coadie
Go start a thread for each item of jewelry. have at it.
(No need to start a separate thread. It was a simple question, asked to further show some of the inconsistencies in your own argument.)
So I ask you your position on wedding rings, cufflinks, etc and you're offended?. Well, if you're going go be Mr. Thin-skinned like that, then an Apostolic discussion forum might not be the place for you.
Originally Posted by coadie
Just getting obnozious when we ask for the word about jewelry doesn't cut it.
You should be the last one referring to anyone as obnoxious.
Physician, heal thyself.
Originally Posted by coadie
Of course this bothers me little personally.
Obviously it does bother you personally,,, which is why you chose to come out swinging, and unnecessarily so. You acted like a caged animal --- as if when you felt cornered, and faced with the weakness in your own argument, you felt that attacking was the best way to handle it. You're in no position to criticize anyone for being unChristlike.
Take a look at your own self. What kind of spirit have you been displaying? I don't sense a shred of "love" emanating from you, only harshness. Take the beam out of your own eye before you get on your "holier than thou" pedestal.
Originally Posted by coadie
I am extremely clear about the behavioral motives behind cosmetics and the cosmetics industry. I know there will be lame attempts to justify it but they still boil down to being owned by the world and peddled for the desires of the flesh. The mess comes straight out of Egypt and 5th avenue knows it.
If only you were " extremely clear" about the scriptural basis we asked for, this conversation would have been over a long time ago.
You can give us your "behavioral motives" and psychological reasonings all you want.... But what
you cant give us is scripture on this. That's all we've been asking for, and so because you know you don't have scripture, you feel that your psychological and historical arguments etc will suffice?
You think we're supposed to buy this stuff about "pagans used to use cosmetics, so it's wrong for Christians to use cosmetics" ? That's not a foundation for sound doctrine! That stuff doesn't qualify as "rightly dividing the word". The bible says "prove all things", so people will ask tough questions around here, AND THEY SHOULD. If you don't like people asking you questions you find tough or uncomfortable, then I can tell you already, you're going to be in for a rough ride around here.[/quote]
Your arguments are nothing new. These same type of arguments you're using have been used for decades to pile on layer after layer of unbiblical and burdensome rules on people. (No open-toed shoes; ....Dont wear red, it's the devil's color; ....No pantyhose; .....Women, dont shave your legs; ....No high-heeled shoes-- beause prostitutes wear high heels;. etc etc etc.) And if anyone questions why, or asks if there's biblical basis for any of this ... they're called they're rebellious, unholy, worldly-minded, compromisers etc. And if that Apostolic church down the street doesn't have "our" same rules, then they're compromisers, they don't have "holiness", they're trying to look like the world, etc. So you'll sit and judge your brothers and sisters in Christ because they teach differently regarding a particular "standards" issue. Lots of Pharisaical self-righteousness and judgmentalism, but very little meekness, love, or Christlike spirit. Preacher Jones develops a particular conviction about an issue, and so he decides to impose it on all the church-members as "holiness doctrine", and then he'll sit and harshly judge anyone who doesnt see it his way------ is this what you consider "Christlike"?
You (and others who think like you) can pile up all the unbiblical rules on God's people all you want, but I'll have no part of that. And you can make all your historical and "behavioral motives" arguments all you want, but that's not going to be enough around here. If you don't have biblical basis for your arguments, then expect that people will indeed "hold your feet to the fire". If you or anyone else here is offended by that, then that's your business. Call us names, call us ungodly, call us whatever.
God is our judge, not you.
And it's evident that despite all your "holiness standards" you seem so proud of, you've got a lot of issues in your own spirit you need to take care of. So take the beam out of your own eye, before you go trying to take the beam out of your brother or sister's eye.