Originally Posted by BroGary
Here is another interesting video -
Seemed to me that Cameron caused to "atheist" to doubt whether or not Kirk himself was even sane!
Kirk simply lies with his statement that "no transitional fossils have been found." He plays the same dishonest game coadie and BroGary are playing here. I gave a list of 173 transitional fossils and asked that you guys debunk just 10% of them.
****** SILENCE ******** was the only response.
I then debunked Jason Lisle's book (and the videos BroGary keeps reposting). Gary has not even responded! He just keeps reposting the Lisle videos.
What are you guys afraid of? Why don't you respond? You play the same pathological game Kirk ("Camera On") Cameron does. You will never see Kirk and his sock puppet (what's his name? with the mustache) actually engaged in a public discussion.
They always hide in front of their own camera men in their own production studios.