Baron, I do know about the other reasons (U.N. resolutions that were not kept, response to inspectors etc...). My main point was that we did not go there because of the Towers falling and planes in Pennsylvania, and for them to try to tie that in now to tap into our emotions would be disengenous and revisionist.
No doubt. There was and is no evidence to prove that Hussein had anything to do with 9/11, period.
That was against Israel, not the USA. Again, NEXT!
When you pay people to bomb our allies you are bombing us. We have asked Israel on a number of occasions not to retaliate and let us do it because it keeps the rest of the Middle East from coming down on them.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
This is hilarious. The reason we went into Iraq was to topple Hussein's regime and take these supposed WMDs away from him. He's already been hanged for his crimes, along with several other of his henchmen, no WMDs were found, but we'd be losing the war by pulling out. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense! NOT! The truth of the matter is that our government knows it should have gone into Iran instead of Iraq, and they know our people aren't going to have the will to go into another country right now and start another war. They think the American people are so stupid that we can't see what's going on, so they now want to convince us that we will somehow lose a war against a man who is already dead and didn't have the weapons we thought he did. Talk about spin! The Bush administration is full of nothing but bold faced liars, including Bush himself.