Originally Posted by shawndell
Ok im from Tulsa Oklahoma.I moved here bacause my parents moved here for job related reasons and then my mother had heart surgery and I felt the need to be with her.The people here in Oklahoma are very stand offish and clickish and the road rage is at a all time high here.It is very hard to make friends here and these people need prayer.I know I sound very carnel because im saying all this but all the people ive ran into who transplanted here have felt the same way and wanted to move so when every one noticed the lack of smiles in the picture I just had to open my big mouth.Sorry this place has a very negative energy.
You and I must be living in two different Oklahomas.....because It's not like that in the Oklahoma I live in. I hate that you've run into people like that, but there are snobby people and cliques EVERYWHERE. I'm really sorry that you've had the raw deal of finding them here. What church do you go to in Tulsa? My church is full of Godly, Holy-Ghost filled people who aren't the tiniest bit stand-offish in any way.
I also don't know what negative energy you feel. I know several Okies (natural and transplanted) who will tell you that there is a deep anionting of the Holy-Ghost on our churches. I'm sorry that you've found your self in with the bad lot, but that's a very small part of Oklahoma. Also....the picture with no smiles was taken in Branson, MO. :]
And if you think the road rage is bad here, I have two words for you......Memphis, Tennessee.