Originally Posted by Margies3
You are right about that one, PO! I like games like that. But for the most part, I'm not much into football.
Yes, I do like games like that. Dallas played a sorry game last night. I was living in Houston when they fired Bum Phillips. Boy, the city was furious! LOL! His son is fixin' to get the boot, I think.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
The Georgia Tech and Kansas game was very exciting!
Did anyone else watch that game this weekend?
Oops, we left you hanging, Jermyn. No, didn't see that game. My husband was working and I rarely turn on the television when he isn't home. I am also working on a marvelous furniture makeover - I didn't want to stop and watch a ball game. We actually like college ball much better than professional ball. I missed the UT game, but glad that they won!