Jesus came from the line of David. Davids grandmother was a Moabite. So some are saying He is mixed. This is a fallacy since Moabites were Semitic like Israelites AND because it was hundreds of years before Jesus was even born.
No telling....But his heart was Gold and His blood was Red.
Where were you when the television news reported that the American government had be conducting medical experiments on your people? Do you remember how outraged you felt? Jeremiah does. Ann Coulter's speaking where she knows even less than he does.
YOUR people? Chris, you continue to divide us. I have to wonder why. Do you not consider the blacks to be YOUR people? Yet you accuse others here of keeping the divide going. YOU are the only one doing that here.
I bet it never occurred to you that white people were also just as outraged to find out that this happened. I can tell you that I wasn't too happy when I found out about it. Do you know who 'uncovered' that story, Chris? Would it surprise you to know that it was a white person who brought it to the media???
And you continue beating these rabbit trails that have nothing to do with the issue everyone else is speaking of.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Riiiighhhht. Poor wittle rich white guy. Get real dude. LOL I'm a white man and I don't have that much of a complex. LOL
You are funny, and I don't mean the haha kind.
The blacks complain, and you think we should all understand. A white man makes similar comments about his situation and you degrade his intelligence and make fun.
You aren't funny. Just plain strange.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I've not entirely defended him...I've just tried to put his statements in context. The man is a black man who lived through the civil rights movement and happens to be a preacher. Guess what...he's gonna say a lot of things we will disagree with. That doesn't give you or anyone else an excuse to assemble a lynch mob. We hear his statements and agree where he's right and disagree where he's wrong. It's called civility. JW's clearly illustrated that his comments were based on if America continues to play God. In this respect any solid man of God would agree with him.
Dude, the civil rights movement was 40 years ago!!!! Let's move on!!!
I know people who went through concentration camps, but if the still speak about those experiences today as if they were still going through them, I'd have to question their mentality!
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Either way, as I said, that is so far removes from the birth of the savior that it would be impossible to call Jesus a the sense of how we are using it
I agree with that, but I was just answering your question.
I don't think Rahab was a different culture of person than the place she lived anyway. I'm not sure why that was brought up just because she was a prostitute.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Would you be excusing and be an apologist for a white canidate for the Presidency if it came out they had been a member of a church for 20 years where the pastor had awarded David Duke or the KKK leader an award as "Man of the Year"? Or where the pastor spewed hatred for his own country? Or had spoken outrageous lies about massive Government conspiracies to concoct illnesses targeting a specific race of people?
Somehow I think not. No, you just are a bleeding heart liberal that will give all black people a pass no matter what they do or say. All based on "context" and the fact that their great, great, great, great grand daddy was a slave. That is insulting to black folks and does not help them one bit.
Would you be excusing and be an apologist for a white canidate for the Presidency if it came out they had been a member of a church for 20 years where the pastor had awarded David Duke or the a KKK leader an award as "Man of the Year"? Or where the pastor spewed hatred for his own country? Or had spoken outrageous lies about massive Government conspiracies to concoct illnesses targeting a specific race of people?
Somehow I think not. No, you just are a bleeding heart liberal that will give all black people a pass no matter what they do or say. All based on "context" and the fact that their great, great, great, great grand daddy was a slave.