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Old 08-22-2007, 10:57 PM

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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
They were appointed SINGERS. Where were the DANCERS???????????

I doubg if they were taught the sway. One foot in and one foot out you know the hokie pokie.
'Cause that's what it's REALLY all about!!!
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:01 PM

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Originally Posted by LadyRev View Post
Ah but "dirty" dancing moves are NOT made in every dance outside of "dancing in the Spirit".

In fact, I've seen some so-called "dancing in the Spirit" moves that could easily be called "sensual" at best. Funny that no one says a thing about this but let something be "choreographed" or let it be something that "worldly" people do and suddenly theres a HUGE outcry.

I lead a stick drama team at my church. There are stick drama teams all over the place and they aren't all "church" teams. So...how can one tell the difference? Simple. By the music, by the appearance, and by the Spirit (thats right, capital S). We have people shouting and dancing during our stick drama presentations because the Spirit moves...

Choreographed? You bet! Directed? Most certainly.

But then again I don't have any problem with the "human helicopter" look either. After all, one of the Hebrew words for praise is defined as "to act clamourously foolish" so carry on helicopters...just leave my stick team alone while you do it. Theres room for all of us.
Why do you switch from 'step dancing' to 'stick drama', as if they were the same thing? It is very apparent that they are not. So, if YOUR youth group doesn't do the 'step dance' stuff, what is your point?
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:04 PM

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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Did you know that organs were first in saloons before they were in churches?
Hmm, maybe you should tell old mister JS Bach this, as he was writing very complex organ concertos, for the churches in which he was employed, long before there was America and the saloons.
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:08 PM
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Let us take your logic to the fullest. If your problem is with the rehersal of the dance, than you should have a problem with music rehersals. Choir practices are of the devil. You are doomed for eternal damnation for spending all that time on piano lessons. Heaven knows the punishment for the wasted money on vocal lessons. Even the preacher prepares his sermon. How far are you willing to take the principle that practice or rehersals are a sin?

Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy View Post
Indeed, the music and singing was choreographed. Now, would you please show me where this same method was used when dancing in praise before the Lord?
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:09 PM
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The tune to Amazing Grace was a drinking song before Wayne Newton got religion.

Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy View Post
Hmm, maybe you should tell old mister JS Bach this, as he was writing very complex organ concertos, for the churches in which he was employed, long before there was America and the saloons.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:19 PM

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Originally Posted by tv1a View Post
Let us take your logic to the fullest. If your problem is with the rehersal of the dance, than you should have a problem with music rehersals. Choir practices are of the devil. You are doomed for eternal damnation for spending all that time on piano lessons. Heaven knows the punishment for the wasted money on vocal lessons. Even the preacher prepares his sermon. How far are you willing to take the principle that practice or rehersals are a sin?
You have missed the point. The Bible DOES talk about rehearsal for the singers and musicians. Nowhere does it speak of rehearsal for the dancers. So, those who defend choreographed dance as a form or worship to God have no scripture for their help.
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:37 PM
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No where does the Bible mention dress codes or television but you make it a dogma. The Bible doesn't mention using microphones or eeelectwicity, but you use them anyway. No where in the Bible does it say one should dance in the spirit. There is no need for selective appliacation of principle.

The principle established by the performing arts in worship is rehersal, rehersal, rehersal. Musicians, singers, dancers are all required to put forth their best. I"m looking forward to the day where the upci worships God with choreography without hiding behind the sticks.

Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy View Post
You have missed the point. The Bible DOES talk about rehearsal for the singers and musicians. Nowhere does it speak of rehearsal for the dancers. So, those who defend choreographed dance as a form or worship to God have no scripture for their help.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:40 PM

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Originally Posted by tv1a View Post
No where does the Bible mention dress codes or television but you make it a dogma. The Bible doesn't mention using microphones or eeelectwicity, but you use them anyway. No where in the Bible does it say one should dance in the spirit. There is no need for selective appliacation of principle.

The principle established by the performing arts in worship is rehersal, rehersal, rehersal. Musicians, singers, dancers are all required to put forth their best. I"m looking forward to the day where the upci worships God with choreography without hiding behind the sticks.

What is the deal with changing the subject to the same old 'standards, tv, blah blah blah' hobby horse? Oh, and just to help you out a tad, I haven't said anything about 'dancing in the spirit'. I simply, plainly pointed out that the scripture speaks of rehearsal for musicians and singers, but not for dancers. So, for you to say that this extends to dancers means that you are doing what you accuse others of: you are making the scripture say something it really doesn't.
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:54 PM
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No I am applying principle across the board. Unlike picking and choosing where to apply principle, I choose to apply principle in every area.

If the God given principle for the performing arts is practice, it is safe to assume that choreography rehersal is as biblical as plunking the magic twanger...

How is this for scripture for the dancers to practice...
1 Cor 14:40
40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

The universal principle is to give your best in worship. Even if that means practice.

Originally Posted by SISTER Murphy View Post
What is the deal with changing the subject to the same old 'standards, tv, blah blah blah' hobby horse? Oh, and just to help you out a tad, I haven't said anything about 'dancing in the spirit'. I simply, plainly pointed out that the scripture speaks of rehearsal for musicians and singers, but not for dancers. So, for you to say that this extends to dancers means that you are doing what you accuse others of: you are making the scripture say something it really doesn't.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 08-23-2007, 12:01 AM

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Originally Posted by tv1a View Post
No I am applying principle across the board. Unlike picking and choosing where to apply principle, I choose to apply principle in every area.

If the God given principle for the performing arts is practice, it is safe to assume that choreography rehersal is as biblical as plunking the magic twanger...

How is this for scripture for the dancers to practice...
1 Cor 14:40
40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

The universal principle is to give your best in worship. Even if that means practice.
Still waiting for the scripture the establishes practice for dancers in worship. Surely, it must be there.

And, just because things are done decently and in order does not necessarily mean 'rehearsed beforehand', or it would then be necessary for all the gifts of the Spirit to be rehearsed (so, would you please inform Jesus that He needs to change how He does things when He comes to visit with those who gather in His Name?)
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