Originally Posted by Rico
Prax, I understand the argument you are making about the word "spirit" being a gender neutral word. That, in my opinion, is because a spirit can be either male or female. Just because a gender neutral word is used for the Spirit does not mean the Holy Spirit is gender neutral. It just means the word "spirit" is gender neutral. He, God, is referrred to as being male so it stands to reason His Spirit is male also.
It's just neuter because that is how grammar works. It does not mean a spirit is not a person nor does it mean a spirit is not male or female. It's just grammar. Other words have gender too like Logos. Logos is a masculine word and often is used NOT to refer to jesus.
Spirit is what God is or has just as you and I have spirit too. In Hebrew Spirit is feminine
See I don't get hung up on what gender God is. It's not relevant. God is our Father. He has a father relationship to us. Jesus is our high Priest and our Shepherd etc etc etc. Relationship is what is important, Understanding His role and relationship to us is what is important.
I think the only reason God is called a HE is because that is what WE call him because of the order of creation and gender roles God ordained.
BTW anyone wanna speculate why we won't marry in heaven "being like the angels"? What is it about angels that we will be like them and not marrying?
The bible says angels are spirits too. Are the all male? Will we be all male? lol