All that I do...baptism/ evangelism/ community work/ communion/ I do out of love for the one who saved me by his grace. Not out of Obligation but rather out of gratitiude.
It does make a difference, obligation or gratitude.
Do I believe in baptism? YES ! EVERY and i mean every Christian should and will be baptized....BECAUSE of the remission of their sins, NOT for the remission of their sins.
It is representive of our spiritual covenamt with God as circummsionion was in the OT.
The circumcision in the OT did not give them their rightousness, Belief/Trust/Faith did that. Circummcision was the seal or sign of their covenant with God.
I can not presently understand the razor-thin line of separation you seem to be wanting the reader to consider.
If something is representative of our Spiritual covenant with God how can it any way be unbundled for the total picture that establishes me with God.
If we can not understand the molecular level of where righteousness is imputed, AND we know that he that endureth to the end WILL BE SAVED; is endurance a work?
Come on, this is crazy talk. The gospel of Dan would charge me as being a messanger of salvation by works! I am a messanger of SALVATION BY WALKING IN AGREEMENT WITH THE MASTER, the COMMAND-er, my LORD.
Obedience is the AMEN to what speaks (the YEA).
My doing is the evidence that I BELIEVE!
Why are you trying to separate the inseparable?
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
Wow!! You finally let the cat out of the bag!!!! This confirms everything.
You believe you are justified by your works ... it's anti-biblical. False doctrine.
enjoy mixing the context.
Your style of engagement is an important thing for me to learn.
Where Dan, where Dan, where Dan, do we put off the body of sins of the flesh?
where Dan, where Dan, where Dan.
when you finally get to the witness that we put off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, the next verse tells us where the circumcision of Christ occurs.
thank you for an important understanding of your style of posting. It really does help.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
enjoy mixing the context.
Your style of engagement is an important thing for me to learn.
Where Dan, where Dan, where Dan, do we put off the body of sins of the flesh?
where Dan, where Dan, where Dan.
when you finally get to the witness that we put off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, the next verse tells us where the circumcision of Christ occurs.
thank you for an important understanding of your style of posting. It really does help.
If the answer to your "where" question ... was BAPTISM ... THEN JOHN'S BAPTISM OF REMISSION would have been enough ....
If the answer to your where question ... was BAPTISM ... THEN JOHN'S BAPTISM OF REMISSION would have been enough ....
We are washed in the blood of Lamb ........
so, now we understand there is a corallary to the gospel of Dan..
mystically and for everyone, the blood washes
no agreement necessary that involves anything other than a mental assent
God is now a respector of persons because there once was a day, in the days of noah where only eight souls were saved by water, this despite making an ark large enough for all.
you've got your gospel, I have mine.
I have to answer to my master, you have to answer to yours.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
This doctrine of baptismal remission ... sins being put away ... as happening at baptism ... is seriously flawed ...
First, believing this is to say that a work activates our salvation ... or a works-based salvation ....
Now I know yours was a long post with some really deep things but i got this far and had to stop.....
so getting wet is "works" but saying "God forgive me" is not?
where does one draw the line? it seems to me that no matter how you cut if, if you are going to go with the whole "Works" thing, you loose on the first swing.
Why isnt hearing a work? you have to HEAR the gospel first. hearing is an aciton.
We arent saved by our own works we are saved by God/Jesus/the WORK of Calvary......buuuuuuuut every saved person (even if you believe the presbyterians are saved) has to RESPOND to the gospel or they die lost. ANY responce be it repentance or getting wet, is by your definition of "Works"
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
so, now we understand there is a corallary to the gospel of Dan..
mystically and for everyone, the blood washes
no agreement necessary that involves anything other than a mental assent
God is now a respector of persons because there once was a day, in the days of noah where only eight souls were saved by water, this despite making an ark large enough for all.
you've got your gospel, I have mine.
I have to answer to my master, you have to answer to yours.
Who said anything about mental assent ... it never fails ... your side will always go into the bag of tricks and quips when faced w/ the Word ... like you just believe in mental assent .... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our master, TBP is Jesus Christ ... this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ... unless your alluding to my master and gospel belong to someone else ... ??
Now I know yours was a long post with some really deep things but i got this far and had to stop.....
so getting wet is "works" but saying "God forgive me" is not?
where does one draw the line? it seems to me that no matter how you cut if, if you are going to go with the whole "Works" thing, you loose on the first swing.
Why isnt hearing a work? you have to HEAR the gospel first. hearing is an aciton.
We arent saved by our own works we are saved by God/Jesus/the WORK of Calvary......buuuuuuuut every saved person (even if you believe the presbyterians are saved) has to RESPOND to the gospel or they die lost. ANY responce be it repentance or getting wet, is by your definition of "Works"
I responded to this re-run post already ... Ferd ... it's cute when some try to package folks into something they are not ... I'm all for good works ... sorry ... you can take your box ...
Who said anything about mental assent ... it never fails ... your side will always go into the bag of tricks and quips when faced w/ the Word ... like you just believe in mental assent .... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our master, TBP is Jesus Christ ... this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ... unless your alluding to my master and gospel belong to someone else ... ??
are you saying that one has to do more than believe?
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I responded to this re-run post already ... Ferd ... it's cute when some try to package folks into something they are not ... I'm all for good works ... sorry ... you can take your box ...
sorry buddy, I didnt see it. there were a bunch of very long posts.. I didnt see it, so i figured I would ask again. didnt mean to offend your sensibilities.
can you point me to the answer?
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!