...and of course there was J Charles and Byron "waiting for your personal prayer request so I can go directly to the throne of grace for your personal miracle and receive your anointed prayer cloth prayed over after 40 days of fasting and prayer on the Isle of Patmost where the Lord appeard to me and transported me to heaven."
Then there was good ol' Rev. Ike promising that you can't lose with the stuff I use.
Let us not forget the guy down in Florida that came on the radio "hoooo ooood the light.... hoooo ooo ooo the the light let it shine for Jesus toooo day. Yessssssss beloved, this is your good radio pastor Daaaaaavid EEEEEEEEEEEEP LLLLLLLLEY. Beloved, been walking the floors all night long with your prayer request in my hand, praying for your need......
Evangelist Gene Ewing with bottles of anointed water from Jordan that are healing thousands....
But, don't pick on m' man Terrell....