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Old 07-20-2024, 04:53 PM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

Here are some excerpts with citations from Plato's works that discuss the immortal soul:

- Plato, Phaedo, 115c-d: "And the soul, if it is immortal, is imperishable...the soul is immortal and imperishable, and our souls will exist forever."
- Plato, Republic, X.611-612: "The soul is immortal and imperishable, and the body is mortal...the soul is most like the divine, deathless, intelligible, and uniform."
- Plato, Phaedrus, 245c-246a: "The soul is immortal and has been born many times...it has seen all things, both in this world and in the underworld."

Regarding Plotinus' influence on Christianity through Augustine:

Plotinus (205-270 CE) was a Greek philosopher who founded Neoplatonism, a school of thought that emphasized the spiritual realm and the immortal soul. His teachings greatly influenced early Christian thinkers, including Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE).

Augustine, a key figure in Western Christianity, was heavily influenced by Plotinus' ideas on the nature of the soul and the spiritual realm. In his work "City of God," Augustine incorporated elements of Neoplatonism, such as the concept of the immortal soul and the idea of a higher, spiritual reality.

Here are some citations from Augustine's works that reflect Plotinus' influence:

- Augustine, City of God, XIII.16: "The soul is immortal, and its immortality is proved by its very nature, which is rational and intellectual."
- Augustine, Confessions, VII.10.16: "I read the books of Plotinus...and found in them the same teachings as in the Gospel."

Augustine's incorporation of Neoplatonic ideas, particularly the concept of the immortal soul, helped shape Western Christian theology. However, it's important to note that Augustine also critiqued certain aspects of Neoplatonism and adapted these ideas within a distinctly Christian framework.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien

Refusing to sit under the false gospel and false doctrine of false teachers is not "forsaking the Assembly"
Old 07-20-2024, 05:15 PM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

So, the answer to the question does someone who doesn't obey the gospel burn in hell for eternity is NO.

They are annihilated instead.

If you want to ask questions about what I've posted, I will respond.

If you just continue to repost the same content, I will not respond.

I'm praying for you by the way.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien

Refusing to sit under the false gospel and false doctrine of false teachers is not "forsaking the Assembly"

Last edited by Amanah; 07-20-2024 at 05:39 PM.
Old 07-21-2024, 06:23 AM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

He could have saved pages if he would have just posted this video and stated that it sums up his belief.

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Old 07-21-2024, 09:37 AM
donfriesen1 donfriesen1 is offline
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
So, the answer to the question does someone who doesn't obey the gospel burn in hell for eternity is NO.

They are annihilated instead.

If you want to ask questions about what I've posted, I will respond.

If you just continue to repost the same content, I will not respond.

I'm praying for you by the way.

Plz, any replying to a discussion on annihilation/hell, do so in a new thread.
Old 07-21-2024, 03:09 PM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
He could have saved pages if he would have just posted this video and stated that it sums up his belief.

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Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

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Old 07-21-2024, 03:19 PM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
He could have saved pages if he would have just posted this video and stated that it sums up his belief.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 07-21-2024, 03:29 PM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

Originally Posted by donfriesen1 View Post
Well said.

Thanks for replying.

[COLOR="black"]But this doesn't respond to the situation and in which I had hoped you would tell all what you believe.
You sure demand a lot without reciprocating nearly as much, you know that?

Your contentions in this thread are understood by me to say that the only means to access heaven is the new birth.
My contention has been from the beginning that nobody is "going to heaven", that your idea of people going to heaven is at the root of your theological errors. For whatever reason, you did not want to discuss any of that.

Do those who have only been baptized but not having yet received the Holy Ghost go to heaven or hell, when their sins are forgiven/remitted? You avoided to answer this question, perhaps purposely, more than once.
Good grief, can you not read? My answer was there in the post! What you want to do is pigeon hole people into a false dichotomy to try and force people to agree with you. I clearly stated how I view people who have been baptized, who have repented, who have (fill in the blank). ANYONE who makes ANY movement toward God is showing the work of God in their life UNTIL they REJECT TRUTH. At which point they either never were following God to begin with or have drawn back unto perdition. It doesn't matter what the "point of contention" is, it only matters if they follow Truth, or turn aside from Truth. At whatever point in a person's journey they turn aside from Truth they demonstrate they are not His sheep.

Hello? I thought perhaps you missed my answer but the reality appears to be you AVOIDED it to play this game of "nobody answers my questions". Hey, why do you think we are here to answer your questions? YOU came here with a teaching. We are the ones who ought to be asking the questions of you. Which we have been. And which you have avoided or outright ignored in many cases.

Will you, like Amanda, now turn tail, refusing to answer? I think so, but prove me wrong.
(Get a load of this guy.) You wouldn't last 60 seconds in a boxing gym. If you did that gym sucks. Sir, you have used up all your Federation credits, your wanna be jedi mind tricks don't work on me, and quite honestly you are now slinging bantha poodoo around the thread.

Esaias will be able to say truthfully he responded to my question but everyone knows you've again dodged being direct. Its time to include Ro2.12-16/the conscience/Ro5.13 in your theology, making it possible for you to openly answer questions like these. Do it today. Plz let me know when you do.
You are so full of yourself it almost makes me chuckle.

When are you gonna get saved? Because I will be straight forward and direct and say BASED ON YOUR STATEMENTS IN THIS THREAD I believe you to be 100% a clear and obvious heretic and are therefore under a strong delusion likely sent by God Himself to make sure you get what you really want - separation from God's Truth. Why? Because you can't stand the Truth.

I PROVED the "Gentiles" in Romans 2 are Israelites descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who were members of the New Covenant. I proved it straight from the Bible, letting the Bible be its own interpreter. I didn't drink your kool-aid so now you just pretend as if everyone is deficient in their moral character because they don't agree with you.

Typical cult behavior, if you ask me. Next you'll be claiming to be the Last Day Prophet of God (position already taken by the way by some guy on shortwave radio).

Your hubris is unentitled and quite frankly you have become boring. You also have no etiquette coming in here and literally insulting everyone who has engaged with you. It's not only boring, but boorish.

Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

Old 07-21-2024, 04:01 PM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
You sure demand a lot without reciprocating nearly as much, you know that?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Old 07-21-2024, 04:05 PM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
You sure demand a lot without reciprocating nearly as much, you know that?

My contention has been from the beginning that nobody is "going to heaven", that your idea of people going to heaven is at the root of your theological errors. For whatever reason, you did not want to discuss any of that.

Good grief, can you not read? My answer was there in the post! What you want to do is pigeon hole people into a false dichotomy to try and force people to agree with you. I clearly stated how I view people who have been baptized, who have repented, who have (fill in the blank). ANYONE who makes ANY movement toward God is showing the work of God in their life UNTIL they REJECT TRUTH. At which point they either never were following God to begin with or have drawn back unto perdition. It doesn't matter what the "point of contention" is, it only matters if they follow Truth, or turn aside from Truth. At whatever point in a person's journey they turn aside from Truth they demonstrate they are not His sheep.

Hello? I thought perhaps you missed my answer but the reality appears to be you AVOIDED it to play this game of "nobody answers my questions". Hey, why do you think we are here to answer your questions? YOU came here with a teaching. We are the ones who ought to be asking the questions of you. Which we have been. And which you have avoided or outright ignored in many cases.

(Get a load of this guy.) You wouldn't last 60 seconds in a boxing gym. If you did that gym sucks. Sir, you have used up all your Federation credits, your wanna be jedi mind tricks don't work on me, and quite honestly you are now slinging bantha poodoo around the thread.

You are so full of yourself it almost makes me chuckle.

When are you gonna get saved? Because I will be straight forward and direct and say BASED ON YOUR STATEMENTS IN THIS THREAD I believe you to be 100% a clear and obvious heretic and are therefore under a strong delusion likely sent by God Himself to make sure you get what you really want - separation from God's Truth. Why? Because you can't stand the Truth.

I PROVED the "Gentiles" in Romans 2 are Israelites descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who were members of the New Covenant. I proved it straight from the Bible, letting the Bible be its own interpreter. I didn't drink your kool-aid so now you just pretend as if everyone is deficient in their moral character because they don't agree with you.

Typical cult behavior, if you ask me. Next you'll be claiming to be the Last Day Prophet of God (position already taken by the way by some guy on shortwave radio).

Your hubris is unentitled and quite frankly you have become boring. You also have no etiquette coming in here and literally insulting everyone who has engaged with you. It's not only boring, but boorish.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Old 07-22-2024, 03:53 AM
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Re: John3 and Romans2: Part2

The author of this thread is biblically illiterate and has utterly failed to present and defend his heretical position. This is one of the most disappointing and least entertaining threads I've ever participated in. Well, except for the participants in the thread other than the author who were as always exceptional, enlightening, and very companionable. The video at the end depicting the authors position was a nice humorous touch. May this thread now rest in peace.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien

Refusing to sit under the false gospel and false doctrine of false teachers is not "forsaking the Assembly"

Last edited by Amanah; 07-22-2024 at 04:22 AM.
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