Originally Posted by Esaias
The man of sin sits in God's temple. God's temple according to Paul is the church.
Therefore futurism's singular antichrist in rebuilt Jewish temple is not prophesied in scripture.
Do you have a scriptural passage wherein it is stated by Paul that the church is God's temple?
Malachi 3:1 prophesied that the Lord
"shall suddenly come to his temple." Did God not do that when He entered that temple that is not made with hands, that is, that human body which He formed in the womb of Mary?
I've always understood Paul's statement of
I Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19; and
II Corinthians 6:16 was meant to imply that our human bodies, that is if we have been granted to possess the Spirit, is the "temple of God." Therefore seeing that Christ was also a man, like ourselves (
Hebrews 2:14, 17), then should we not conclude that "God's temple," as Malachi wrote about, was His own body, and not a structure or building made by the hands of mortals?
When the prophesied Anti-Christ manifests himself in human flesh, will he not do so by sitting in a temple (i.e., human body) which God intended as His temple when He created mankind in the beginning? Was not the purpose which God intended in creating mankind was so that He who is invisible and incorporeal, become manifest through the physical bodies of mankind? Did God have some other purpose that He desired to achieve in His creation of man as a substantive human being than this; a temple wherein He was to be the Chief Cornerstone?