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Old 10-03-2009, 07:23 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Question, Pastor Rick, just curious: before you baptize new believers, do you disclose to them all the requirements they must agree to? Do they know they are giving up at least 10% of their income for the rest of their lives?
Originally Posted by pastorrick1959 View Post
when the man said the fact he gave tithes twice in the week he didnt get fussed at for doing it even tho his motives may not have been what they needed to be. i am all for truth studying has been a passion for yrs as i have ben preaching since 1981.you seem to want to challenge my faith lol , your petty statements cant shake what i am , i have ttraveled all over preaching and helping folks and i always will .. i never ask for a dime as someone referred that i am after money without directly saying it ..i dont even take the tithes from our church ,just a little offering here and there not much at all. not because i dont fel like its not right for me too. but i am succesful in business and our church needs a new church we have filled this one up.
just for my information why do yall feel the old test tithes are done away with in the new where is that scripture found? and i agree as well that tithing should be a joyous thing not a forced issue . if i love the lord and his work i should gladly do all i can to help my church and my people and i do and will . i pray for your souls as i feel they r in danger .. the little pun intended remarks yall give are evidence that there is room for maturity ..lord bless you i am done with this topic. anyother conversation with me can be done atv 931 224 7005
Is that a Yes or a No?

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Old 10-03-2009, 08:46 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

The truth is "tithing" isn't a NT requirement.
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Old 10-16-2009, 04:04 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

A command? The entire error of so many christians' concepts is that they have COMMANDMENTS in their minds. Carnal ordinances. Paul said that approach causes us to "walk after the flesh". The proper approach after the Spirit is something that more or less lives through us and we simply are led to do things. That being said, whether something is a NT requirement or not is moot.

People have taken what the New Testament describes as what will occur in the lives of those who have a real relationship with Jesus as things that are commandments. So, they mimic what the Spirit is supposed to do in our lives with human effort that is not spiritually initiated at all.

I think this entire concept of error is actually the impetus behind such topics being raised as this one. Giving ten percent is MINIMAL! That is not even a cheap tip! I hope there is no one who gives that alone in their offerings to God in the church!!! good grief! Some who promote these sorts of thread topics seem to not want to give at all. I know that is not true for everyone.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."

Last edited by mfblume; 10-16-2009 at 05:37 PM.
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Old 10-16-2009, 04:28 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
A command? The entire error of so many christians' concepts is that they have COMMANDMENTS in their minds. Carnal ordinances. Paul said that approach causes us to "walk after the flesh". the proper approach after the Spirit is something that more or less lives through us and we simply are led to do things. That being said, whether something is a NT requirement or not is moot.

People have taken what he New Testament describes as what will occur in the lives of those who have a real relationship with Jesus as things that are commandments. So, they mimic what the Spirit is supposed to do in our lives with human effort that is not spiritually initiated at all.

I think this entire concept of error is actually the impetus behind such topics being raised as this one. Giving ten percent is MINIMAL! That is not even a cheap tip! I hope there is no one who gives that alone in their offerings to God in the church!!! good grief! Some who promote these sorts of thread topics seem to not want to give at all. I know that is not true for everyone.
Maybe since God has given us so much more of his spirit in the new covenant... maybe we are required to give at least double what the old testament required. So anyone that don't give 20% as me is not really giving enough to God. That's about as good as the argument for a 10% minimum.
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Old 10-16-2009, 04:29 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

By the way... I don't go to church currently so i don't give anything.
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Old 10-16-2009, 05:34 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
Maybe since God has given us so much more of his spirit in the new covenant... maybe we are required to give at least double what the old testament required. So anyone that don't give 20% as me is not really giving enough to God. That's about as good as the argument for a 10% minimum.
Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
By the way... I don't go to church currently so i don't give anything.


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Old 10-16-2009, 06:56 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
By the way... I don't go to church currently so i don't give anything.
1) you need to get in church
2)even if you don't believe in tithing (I do not) you should be giving anyway
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Old 10-16-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Jason View Post
1) you need to get in church
2)even if you don't believe in tithing (I do not) you should be giving anyway
Maybe I do need to get into church. I've tried visiting a few here lately but I don't think I'm ever going to be comfortable in any till I know what all I believe and why I believe it. Maybe I judge them to harshly but everytime I sit through the preaching I hear much that doesn't sit right with me. So, till that stops happening, going to church isn't much good for me. Now, maybe some of my beliefs are wrong and screwed up, but as long as I believe them church isn't ever going to be very good for me.

I never said we shouldn't give. It's just the impression I'm getting from everyone that doesn't believe in tithes is that they wouldn't feel right giving under 10% ever. I'm saying that this mindset is the same as those that believe we ought to tithe. Can any here honestly say they wouldn't feel condemned if they ever gave less than 10%. Have you ever given less than 10%? That's the heart of the matter I'm getting at. It's still about a tithe even if you don't say it. You are just saying people should give over that amount.

I'm saying that we ought to give what God leads us to give. Some more than 10% and some less. It's good to give what we can. It's good to take care of our financial responsibilities first. I would even say more important. Responsibility matters. It's not good to put yourself into a situation that you can't give much, but if you have gotten yourself in that situation you ought to first get out of it and learn how to avoid such situations in the future.

That is the problem I see even with those that say they don't tithe. They still want to say those not giving 10% aren't giving like they should. God doesn't ask the same of everyone. Give as God leads. What better type of giving is there? Give out of a cheerful heart. Don't condemn your brothers that give less. Don't condemn those that give more. Oops, I guess I'm guilty of that last one... Nah, it's just the attitude that condemns those giving less than a tithe that I condemn.
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Old 10-16-2009, 09:50 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
By the way... I don't go to church currently so i don't give anything.
Ok You can send me a generous offering,I'll be your storehouse.
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Old 10-16-2009, 10:28 PM
pastorrick1959 pastorrick1959 is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

if your looking for that perfect church that suits you in everyway and belives everything just like you do jfrog .. you;ll have to start your own, lol...i aint never seen that church myself,,,,,and i aint never quit going yet. thats where my help is and my strength. you have allowed your beliefs to interfere with your walk with god ,, i wonder who.s the most happy about your ways right now god or the devil?? its not about being right all the time its about a love relationship with JESUS ...stop allowing the enemy to rule you rebuke the devourer that has caused seperation from the body of christ,, is christ DIVIDED? i say no unity there is strength ,,we may have differetn ideas of things but we can still work for the same cause winning souls. JESUS woukld have us winning souls not devouring one another ..its easy to find fault ,harder to love someone even tho they are faulty ////AINT YOU GLAD WE GOT A GOD THAT PUTS UP WITH US?
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