Originally Posted by Joseph Miller
God Bless you may brother.
As I read the start of this thread, I was blessed by what you had to say. I can feel your passion for ministry. Never let that fire go out.
You will go far in the ministry. The hand of God is upon your life. As I sit at my computer and read every post so far on this thread I just keep feeling it inside that this is the opening of a greater ministry than you would have experienced. In the last few years there are things that have happened to you in which will be assets to the ministy God is developing in you. Keep ya head up in faith and ya knees bent in prayer.
Joseph, I ahve printed your post. I believe what you are speaking.
It is such a great feeling to be involved where the Lord opens the doors.
And not having to try and make things happens.
It just so refreshing to be heading in a direction that is making me happy as well.
God Bless you...