Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Dan does regeneration take place BEFORE and APART from repentance again?
I am NOT arguing the definition of the word aphesis meaning both I am saying they are so connected one is useless without the other. Being baptized will save NO one if they have not repented it only remits the sins of the pentitent however without baptism the repentance is NOT complete. Just as in the atonement was the goat sacrificed and the goat which was led away. It required BOTH to atone for sins. Jesus died for my sins and was raised for my justification I am identified with that in obeying the gospel.
You have heard the answer just recently to your question ... from Adino ... they happen almost simultaneously .... a repentant heart is regenerated because by His grace and
thru faith we turn to Him and submit entirely to God.
Acts 3:19 says that in doing so our sins our blotted/wiped/ remitted/forgiven/etc .....
most importantly our New Birth is from above ... it is SUPERNATURAL ... God is in and out of time ....
Last ... they are connected because they are one and the same ... Elder in the NT ... aphesis is forgiveness ... aphesis is remission .... they are not two separate concepts in the NT. Our sins are forgiven and wiped away the point of faith .... they must happen together.
Elder, Jesus is the Lamb and the scapegoat ... when we place biblical faith in Him ... he takes care of OUR sin problem ALTOGETHER .... once and for all.