Really. Yes. I mean it. I don't believe there is anything unscriptural about it. She doesn't like it, but I am the man and I am bigger than her, so she'll just have to live with it.
I beat her to the refrigerator.
I beat her to the soda pop.
I beat her to the cash register at ANY of the local restaurants.
I beat her to the shower in the morning.
I beat her to WORK in the morning.
I sometimes even beat her to sleep at night.
Every once in a while I beat her to the prayer room.
I often beat her to the toilet.
On a rare occasion, I beat her up............
......................the stairs.
Now see here, you CAN'T PROVE there is anything unscriptural about any of this. Beating my wife is part of the joy of living--but there is one thing about beating my wife that is first and foremost.
She makes my heart beat a little faster every time I see my heart beats just a little faster than hers does when we're together. Now, how's that for manliness?