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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 10-29-2007, 02:40 PM
Kutless Kutless is offline
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
what exactly are you 2 disagreeing on ???
HO is probably for the most part right....especially in the Southern part of the state. And I can vouch for some serious freaky cons in other areas.

But I would say that there are some progressives popping up and experiencing great succcess.
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Old 10-29-2007, 02:44 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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I can't GO Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Thad View Post
no ball caps with an "A" ???

what about AtlantaWest ? are they considered moderate ?

HEY! what about you?? you could perhaps get back in the UPC now - no??
Atlanta West is a great Church led by a great man - Pastor Darrell Johns. He is a man with good sense and I cannot ever see him leaving the UPC. AWPC is a Conservative church but I would say - you might see a few wedding rings (he does not allow them to my understanding) and some trimmed hair and a few effeminate boys - but for the most part - it is Conservative and I don't think he will ever go anywhere else. Pastor Johns is a very good and honorable man that took a BAD (when DF left) situation. Some left and all the UPC churches around took them in - except ONE! I sent over 30 back and told them - you have a great church and a great pastor - go back and work like you have never worked and make things happen there - back your Pastor! They went back - they stayed and today they are the main leaders and ministry of AWPC. The HARD NOSE RADICAL MEAN ONES - did not do that - they took them in and hurt a lot of people by it.

I hope they do leave it - the UPC will be MUCH BETTER OFF WITHOUT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are some that have always been trouble and they never have fellowshipped much with the District. They are TOO GOOD to fellowship with people that have a little education and are under 300 pounds!

The sad answer to your question - I just can't go back in - I have an "A" on my ball cap and I use cherry chap stick at times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 10-29-2007, 02:45 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Kutless View Post
HO is probably for the most part right....especially in the Southern part of the state. And I can vouch for some serious freaky cons in other areas.

But I would say that there are some progressives popping up and experiencing great succcess.
I'm sure that there are progressives popping up, but that's everywhere....I hope.

The church I was a member of for about 7 years in southern Illinois was conservative for the most part, but he did allow culottes in the right situation, would allow rings other than wedding ones, makeup on women, and pants on women. However, those things could only be done in certain situations that called for it, and the rings had to be worn with a reason other than vanity.
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Old 10-29-2007, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
I doubt TN will be affected much- they're notoriously liberal.
You are more "loaded" than the spreaders out in the fields up here!

And I put that as "nicely" as I could!

There are alot of very conservative churches in TN whether you believe it or not. All because they believe a woman should shave armpit hair doesn't make them liberal!!!
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Old 10-29-2007, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
now that is the TRUTH! LOL

I know one thing, It's not the Baker group hehehe!
I too doubt that Bro. Baker in MI would leave at all. I know him fairly well and he has no problems with Tv, or at least he used to not have trouble with it. I know out of his church there are several pastors that are on staff there that are ALJC memebers. His church and my home church in TN (ALJC) would always fellowship. He would preach for us alot and my Bishop would preach for him often as well. I agree with you that if people in MI leave it ain't Bro Baker!
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Kutless View Post
HO is probably for the most part right....especially in the Southern part of the state. And I can vouch for some serious freaky cons in other areas.

But I would say that there are some progressives popping up and experiencing great succcess.

isn't there one in Illinois that makes all his men wear Bow ties????

I believe he taught that regular neck ties were wrong?
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
.....NO "A" on ball cap. The prohibition of ball caps was lifted but with the stipulation that there be NO "A" on any ball cap. You can have a "B" or "C" but NOT AN "A"!.....
So...you can be a Cubs or Red Sox fan, but not a Braves fan?????????
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Atlanta West is a great Church led by a great man - Pastor Darrell Johns. He is a man with good sense and I cannot ever see him leaving the UPC. AWPC is a Conservative church but I would say - you might see a few wedding rings (he does not allow them to my understanding) and some trimmed hair and a few effeminate boys - but for the most part - it is Conservative and I don't think he will ever go anywhere else. Pastor Johns is a very good and honorable man that took a BAD (when DF left) situation. Some left and all the UPC churches around took them in - except ONE! I sent over 30 back and told them - you have a great church and a great pastor - go back and work like you have never worked and make things happen there - back your Pastor! They went back - they stayed and today they are the main leaders and ministry of AWPC. The HARD NOSE RADICAL MEAN ONES - did not do that - they took them in and hurt a lot of people by it.

I hope they do leave it - the UPC will be MUCH BETTER OFF WITHOUT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are some that have always been trouble and they never have fellowshipped much with the District. They are TOO GOOD to fellowship with people that have a little education and are under 300 pounds!

The sad answer to your question - I just can't go back in - I have an "A" on my ball cap and I use cherry chap stick at times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is hilarious! yea we noticed that your lips had been a little redder then before <---
that's too bad because I had heard that your wife was reaaaally hoping and pushing for you to get back in the UPC!
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
I too doubt that Bro. Baker in MI would leave at all. I know him fairly well and he has no problems with Tv, or at least he used to not have trouble with it. I know out of his church there are several pastors that are on staff there that are ALJC memebers. His church and my home church in TN (ALJC) would always fellowship. He would preach for us alot and my Bishop would preach for him often as well. I agree with you that if people in MI leave it ain't Bro Baker!
I'm surprised to hear that anyone from MI is leaving PERIOD!
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
isn't there one in Illinois that makes all his men wear Bow ties????

I believe he taught that regular neck ties were wrong?
When I was a teenager in the Illinois district (I won camper of the year one year!) Bro. Wayne Mitchell from Moline always wore a bowtie, and some men from his church copied him!
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