I am the oldest daughter of eleven, We have one older brother.
Two of my younger brothers, Big-Larry and Crakjak, are regular
posters on this forum. No, we don't all agree on everything but
I guarantee there is something we can still learn from one another.
If we all thought alike on everything, what would there be to learn.
If we were never challenged, would we study, or dig deeper! Our
paternal grandmother heard something in the early 1930's which
challenged her traditional thinking. She heard the apostolic message.
But first she was a devout something else. She read her Bible. She
sought after God. Her first instinct was to "prove that Pentecostal
preacher wrong". She dug deeper than she had before. She had not
heard what he was preaching and teaching. She checked it out. She
found she was wrong. How I thank God today that Grandma made a
choice to dig deeper into the Word of God and made a choice when
confronted with truth which changed the course of not only her life,
but the lives of five of her future generations. Our oldest grandson is
the fifth generation. He is 24 yrs. old and has felt the call of God on
his life, as well as his 21 yr. old brother.
God has kept all eleven of us alive todate. The Lord willing this
Saturday my husband and I will be attending the 50th Class Reunion
of the classmates I graduated with in 1957. All 32 are still alive. Most
will be attending. All eleven of us graduated from this same high school.
Our six adult children also graduated there also. We are all SO blessed.
It has been said that the children are blessed by the obedience of their
parents. We are definitely living off the blessing of our grandmother and
our wonderful parents. What we leave in our children will determine how
blessed our children will be. Of course we have to receive the blessing.
In a family where there is love, you will find God! God IS Love!
Perhaps some have noticed that Falla39 is "LONG-winded"! Well, she's
probably been around LONGER than most here so she has more to say!
I grew up in the generation that were told that children were to LISTEN
and Learn. My older brother and I are the matriarch and patriach of our
family now. We are the oldest of our generation. IF we have something
worthwhile to say, I believe it's time to say it!!!