Small town living has its advantages and disadvantages. I am 10 min from Indianapolis…gotta go through 10 min of cornfields to get to Indy, but it is that close. I stay here because it is a safe suburb with the convenience of a big city.
Our suburb is about 18 thousand now…sometimes I think it is getting too large though. Being raised in a minister’s home afforded me the opportunity to know many people as lots of people have Apostolic roots and familiar with the church… even if they never attended church. The city has really grown over the last 15 years or so… but there is still so many that have roots in the church.
I was at a store in Indianapolis about 10 years ago and left my drivers license after writing a check. The store manager couldn’t mail the license because of policy and didn’t have a phone number for me… so they decided to call the Police Department of the suburb I live in for help… hoping that I reported them lost.
The manager of the Store was quite impressed when I picked them up… he told me that the police said “Lisa Taylor is Rev So-and-so’s daughter… we will call him and let him know. Even though I was married w/different name, I was still identified and that was helpful.
Down side of small town living is everyone knows too much about people and whatever they do in life… I’m still taken back at the people you meet in Walmart who you’ve not seen in years, but they sure know what you’ve been up to in the last 5-10 years. Or the clerk at my utility office who keeps track of my personal life over the last 16 years…thanks to a local newspaper that still reports small details of the local courts.
Life is good in small town living but can be a pain in the backside at times too…. I keep saying I am going to move someday… probably when my kids are gone.