I'm leaving in a few hours for Subdued's house to visit with her and her family for about a week. I'm then headed to Virginia to visit my mom and brother for an additional two weeks.
Please pray for LadyRev, as she can't stand that I'm leaving for that long....
And pray for us that we will have a safe trip. I will be contacting some of you who I know are along the way so we can meet up. If there are any others interested, send me a PM, and I'll check while at Subby's house.
Sorry that I won't be seeing you this go 'round...this is a busy weekend, though the way I'm feeling today, it might be busy without me. I pray I'm not getting that summer cold PO mentioned she has/had.
Anyway, have a good time without me, HO...not a better time, but a good time anyway.
Dang, somebody would be dead meat if my husband saw that a man called here!
I can't hear the phone in the guest or master bedroom.
Did you really call?
You didn't get my message?
Oh man...someone else listened to me singing
Good morning, good morning, good morning
It's time to rise and shine
Good morning, good morning, good morning
I hope you're feeling fine
It's time to get up, get out of bed
It's time to get up, you sleepy head.....
Ah well, you missed it!
Ok, no, I didn't call. I didn't want you to have a reason to visit me to tan my hide!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Sorry that I won't be seeing you this go 'round...this is a busy weekend, though the way I'm feeling today, it might be busy without me. I pray I'm not getting that summer cold PO mentioned she has/had.
Anyway, have a good time without me, HO...not a better time, but a good time anyway.
I'm sorry you are sick. I was told you might be in church Sunday night. Is that still the case?
I'll be praying. Hope you are feeling better soon.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Good morning, good morning, good morning
It's time to rise and shine
Good morning, good morning, good morning
I hope you're feeling fine
It's time to get up, get out of bed
It's time to get up, you sleepy head.....
Ah well, you missed it!
Ok, no, I didn't call. I didn't want you to have a reason to visit me to tan my hide!
That's right!!!!! Don't mess with me in the morning. My husband even knows that! Well, I'm still reminding him, anyway!
Lord have mercy!!! He talks soooooo loud in the morning!!!!
I'm like, "Could you wait and talk to me after....."
I think we weren't even married but a month and I said, "You are the loudest man I've ever known."