My family members are all aware and none of them is concerned. It gives me an outlet for free expression.
I've not discussed it with my pastor. He uses the internet a lot and is probably on a pastors' forum.
It's non fattening even if is habit forming.
"Le sens commun n'est pas si commun."
(Common sense is not so common.)
Common sense is genius dressed in working clothes.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
William James
My mommy and my daddy know. So do my kids and so do others who know me including some of my friends. Some of them read here and have gotten to "know" some of the personalities and they're like ........ !
A friend of mine (not a close friend) came to greet me and give me a hug at campmeeting when we were home and she called me "Felicity". I said, "Oh! So you read AFF??!!! I was shocked! LOL! She said yes and that she reads most of what I write and said she liked what I have to say.
So there you go. You never know who might be reading.
__________________ Smiles & Blessings.... ~Felicity Welsh~ (surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
My mommy and my daddy know. So do my kids and so do others who know me including some of my friends. Some of them read here and have gotten to "know" some of the personalities and they're like and they're like
A friend of mine (not a close friend) came to greet me and give me a hug at campmeeting when we were home and she called me "Felicity". I said, "Oh! So you read AFF??!!! I was shocked! LOL! She said yes and that she reads most of what I write and said she liked what I have to say.
So there you go. You never know who might be reading.
Everybody should like what you write. it is really good.
and my mom and dad know too. I keep everyone informed on the goings on in Pentecost! LOL!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
My mommy knows and posts here too. My husband knows and is glad I have entertainment. I don't believe my pastor or anyone higher up knows and if they're checking up on me, they have too much time on their hands.
Who's yer mommy? Man, oh man, this place is like livin in a small town!! EVERYBODY is either related or connected in some way!!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !