As a boy, a teen, and then a young man, I never gave a moment's thought to having children. I wasn't raised to value them, and I didn't really know how to interact with children, but I wasn't raised in a religious environment, either. My thoughts were on my future, and my next milestone.
Now that I have my own, I'd never go back.
I believe it is normal for men to not really think about having a home and children when they are teens and young adults completing their training, education, and establishing their place in the workplace.
Engineering solutions for theological problems.
Despite today's rising cost of living, it remains popular.
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Sir Winston Churchill
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." - Benjamin Franklin
I have two... they came early in our marriage and we somewhat grew up with them and it's been great... We like the same music (for the most part) we are active with them and have learned much!!
and when I'm in my early 40's hopefully both will be successful and out of the house...
While we don't know if things would actually be different we DO think that had we met 5-8 years sooner, we may have decided different. Right now we do not want to be in our late 50's to 60's with kids in the house.
While we don't know if things would actually be different we DO think that had we met 5-8 years sooner, we may have decided different. Right now we do not want to be in our late 50's to 60's with kids in the house.
If your health doesn't hold up you will wish some children were there to help you. I can not imagine going into my twilight years without having children and grandchildren there. Getting old and dying is scary enough as it is, without having to go through it without someone younger and stronger to help me out.
Again, THAT is really the only reason we would be FOR having kids.... but by itself it isn't enough.
Neither of us have the patience to deal with kids. When I am around one that is whining and throwing a tantrum non-stop, I can handle all of 30 seconds before having to leave.
And yes, diapers make me want to gag and leave the room as well. I can BARELY handle dishes!
Also, having married in our 30's, we want to enjoy each others company. We married to be with each other.... not raise a family other than the mammal kind.
And we frequently talk about adopting a grown child from over seas since we'll see be able to afford it. There will just be no sperm meeting egg in OUR household unless it is non-human in nature (like our exploding fish population).