I agree with This Brother. This one and several more threads concerning this subject of laying on hair have been posted. Why? No Other reason than to stir the pot.
Then why are you reading this thread???
And this is about the men, not the women.....READ THE THREAD TITLE!!!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
And this is about the men, not the women.....READ THE THREAD TITLE!!!
Because I wanted to read this thread. And It is an open Forum for whosoever will to read. I wasn't the first female to post on this thread.
And I feel confident that you read and post on threads you don't agree with.
Because I wanted to read this thread. And It is an open Forum for whosoever will to read. I wasn't the first female to post on this thread.
And I feel confident that you read and post on threads you don't agree with.
And when I disagree, I discuss it, not make accusations as to the supposed intent of the thread starter.
Read the thread, discuss the issue, but don't go assuming things about people you don't even know.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I'm seriously looking for a man to admit that he has or would remind God about his sacrifice of having cut hair in obedience to God's word, and using that reminder to build up his faith to get God's attention for something.
On the other forum, I did have a woman admit to believing that there is power in her uncut hair. That about tossed me outta my chair!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I think that the practice of laying hair on someone for healing is unbiblical, and shows a very immature understanding of the operation of faith.
ANYTIME someone steps outside of the realm of the Word of God, and tries to do something "by faith", they have left the only grounding by which true faith will prosper. if anything does happen, such as a healing, it is in spite of them, and not because of them.