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Old 03-17-2022, 06:52 AM
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Re: 400 silent years

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
The article is titled “ School Counseling: My Life’s Calling”
Thank you


May 29, 2014,11:25am EDT

The 'Colder War' And The End Of The Petrodollar

By Marin Katusa, Chief Energy Investment Strategist
The mainstream media are falling over themselves talking about Russia’s just-signed “Holy Grail” gas deal with China, which is expected to be worth more than $400 billion. But here’s what I think the real news is… and nobody’s talking about it—until now, that is.

China’s President Xi Jinping has publicly stated that it’s time for a new model of security, not just for China, but for all of Asia. This new model of security, otherwise known as “the new UN,” will include Russia and Iran, but not the United States or the EU-28.

This monumental gas deal with China does so much more for Russia than the Western media are reporting. First off, it opens up Russian oil and gas supplies to all of Asia.

It’s no coincidence that Russian President Putin announced the gas deal with China at a time when the tensions with the West over Ukraine were growing. Putin has US President Obama exactly where he wants him, and it’s only going to get worse for Europe and America.

But before I explain why that is, let’s put this deal in terms we can understand. The specific details have not been announced, but my sources tell me that the contract will bring in over US$10 billion a year of revenue to start with. The 30-year deal states that every year, the Russians will deliver 1.3 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas to China. The total capital expenditure to build the pipeline and all other infrastructure for the project will be more than $22 billion—this will be one of the largest projects in the world.

You can bet the Russians won’t take payment in U.S. dollars for their gas. This is the beginning of the end for the petrodollar.

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, preside over the 30-year, $400 billion natural gas deal. (AP Photo/RIA Novosti, Alexei Druzhinin, Presidential Press Service)
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, preside over the 30-year, $400 billion natural gas deal. (AP... [+]
The Chinese and Russians are working together against the Americans, and there are many countries that would be happy to join them in dethroning the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. This historic gas deal between Russia and China is very bad news for the petrodollar.

Through this one deal, the Russians will provide about 25% of China’s current natural gas demand. In a word, this is huge.

It’s also not a coincidence that Putin sealed the deal with China before the Australian, US, and Canadian liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals are completed. If you read our recent Casey Energy Report issue on LNG, you know to be wary of the hype about LNG’s “bright future.” Take note: this deal is a serious negative for the global LNG projects.

I also stated in our April 2012 newsletter:

Putin has positioned Russia to play an increasingly dominant role in the global gas scene with two general strategies: first, by building new pipelines to avoid transiting troublesome countries and to develop Russia’s ability to sell gas to Asia, and second, by jumping into the liquefied natural gas (LNG) scene with new facilities in the Far East.

Pretty bang-on for a comment that was made over two years ago in print, don’t you think?

So, what’s next? Lots.

Putin will continue to outsmart Obama. (Note to all Americans: the Russians make fun of you—not just for your poor choice of presidents, but also for your failed foreign policy that has led to most of the world hating America. But I digress.)

You will see Russia announce a major nuclear deal with Iran, where the Russians will build, finance, and supply the uranium for many nuclear reactors. The Russians will do the same for China, and then Syria.

With China signing the natural gas deal with Russia and the president of China publicly stating that it’s time to create a new security model for the Asian nations that includes Russia and Iran, it’s clear China has chosen Russia over the U.S.

We are now in the early stages of the Colder War.

The European Union will be the first victim. The EU is completely dependent on Russia for its oil and natural gas imports—over one-third of the EU-28’s supply of oil and natural gas comes from Russia.

I’ve been writing for years about this, and I’m watching it come true right now: the only way out for the EU countries is to use modern North American technology to revitalize their old proven oil and gas deposits. I call it the European Energy Renaissance, and there’s a fortune to be made from it.

Our Casey Energy Report portfolio has already been doing quite well from investing in the European Energy Renaissance, but this is only the beginning. If Europe is to survive the Colder War, it has no choice but to develop its own natural resources. There are naysayers who claim that Europe cannot and will not do that, for many reasons. I say rubbish.

Of course, to make money from this European dilemma, it’s imperative to only invest in the best management teams, operating in those countries with the political will to do what it takes to survive… but if you do, you could make a fortune. Doug Casey and I plan on doing so, and so should you.

For example, two weeks ago in this missive, I discussed “The Most Anticipated Oil Well of 2014,” where if you invested, in just two weeks you could be up over 40%. Not only did I write in great detail about the company, I even interviewed the CEO because of the serious potential this high-risk junior holds.

I said in that Dispatch that the quality of the recorded interview wasn’t first class, but the quality of information was. The company just put together a very high-quality, professional video showing its potential, and I include it here for all to watch.

Since my write-up, the company has announced incredible news. It’s only months away now from knowing whether or not it has made a world-class discovery. Subscribers to the Casey Energy Report are already sitting on some good, short-term profits with this story, but it keeps getting better.

The more the tension is building in Ukraine (and it’s going to get worse), the more money we’re going to make from the Colder War. There’s nothing you can do about the current geopolitical situation, but you can position yourself and your family to benefit financially from the European Energy Renaissance.

Now You Can Take the Lead… We Make It Simple
We expect great things from this company and other companies that are exposed to the European Energy Renaissance. You can read our ongoing guidance on this and our other top energy stocks every month in the Casey Energy Report. In the current issue, for example, you’ll find an in-depth report on the coal sector, uranium, and updates on all of our portfolio companies that are poised to benefit most from the European Energy Renaissance.

There’s no risk in trying it: If you don’t like the Casey Energy Report or don’t make any money within your first three months, just cancel within that time for a full, prompt refund. Even if you miss the cutoff, you can cancel anytime for a prorated refund on the unused part of your subscription. You don’t have to travel 300+ days a year to discover the best energy investments in the world—we do it for you. Click here to get started.

The article The Colder War and the End of the Petrodollar was originally published at caseyresearch.com.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-17-2022, 07:26 AM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: 400 silent years

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
Kingdoms rise and fall at the behest of His command. But, keep voting Republican.
So should we be like the JW's and not vote at all? Should we never get involved politically for any reason whatsoever?
Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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Old 03-17-2022, 09:07 AM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: 400 silent years

Originally Posted by Jito463 View Post
So should we be like the JW's and not vote at all? Should we never get involved politically for any reason whatsoever?
Jesus told us to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. The Apostle Paul was a freeborn Roman, and used the laws of Rome to his advantage. Jesus' government is a spiritual one, only manifested through His people obeying His laws. We are told not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, so how does light work with darkness again? How do two walk together "unless" they agree? The United State' government is drenched thick with criminals, just varying flavors. We are under a Plutocracy/Kleptocracy. This isn't republican good, and democrat bad, this about one snake that has two heads. This isn't a Jehovah Witness thing, just because a cult says water's wet doesn't make it untrue. We are in a beautiful time of fast information which is needs to be sifted through all the propaganda. George Orwell, Adulous Huxley, and Niccolo Machiavelli understood their current events. They didn't see the future, but a future, where the inevitable would happen. While they are politicians who we believe have or best interest in heart it is all part of being in the gang. Not all gang members are heavy hitters. You always have the good cop bad cop scenarios being played out. In my assessment of Niccolo Machiavelli's the Prince, the prince has to be both fox, lion and lamb. The lion is the destroyer, while the fox, and lamb are defenseless against wolves. The lion is defenseless against snares, so the prince needs to be as cunning as the fox. Yet, these both animals are not trusted by the people, therefore the prince must always appear as a lamb. But one that holds the people's respect as the lion, and fox. The world governments are all corrupt on varying levels, hence the reason why they topple. Our beautiful United States of America with all its beautiful people, are governed by out of touch wealthy criminal elites. Voting harder doesn't git'er done, and never will. Jesus is the only one who can turn the heart of the King. We want to change things. Then God has this plan, If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land. Unless that is done on a great scale, then there is pretty much nothing we can do. If we made you president tomorrow you would go through more hell then the Donald ever went through. You would have the media descend on you, with both parties.

Jesus is the only way out of anything, maybe one day the people will repent, instead of gnawing their tongues in pain while they curse God. This country is circling the drain, not like it isn't deserved, it is most certainly deserved. But deserves need to produce apologies, and those apologies must be made to Jesus Christ.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-17-2022, 03:51 PM
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Re: 400 silent years

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Jesus told us to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. The Apostle Paul was a freeborn Roman, and used the laws of Rome to his advantage. Jesus' government is a spiritual one, only manifested through His people obeying His laws. We are told not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, so how does light work with darkness again? How do two walk together "unless" they agree? The United State' government is drenched thick with criminals, just varying flavors. We are under a Plutocracy/Kleptocracy. This isn't republican good, and democrat bad, this about one snake that has two heads. This isn't a Jehovah Witness thing, just because a cult says water's wet doesn't make it untrue. We are in a beautiful time of fast information which is needs to be sifted through all the propaganda. George Orwell, Adulous Huxley, and Niccolo Machiavelli understood their current events. They didn't see the future, but a future, where the inevitable would happen. While they are politicians who we believe have or best interest in heart it is all part of being in the gang. Not all gang members are heavy hitters. You always have the good cop bad cop scenarios being played out. In my assessment of Niccolo Machiavelli's the Prince, the prince has to be both fox, lion and lamb. The lion is the destroyer, while the fox, and lamb are defenseless against wolves. The lion is defenseless against snares, so the prince needs to be as cunning as the fox. Yet, these both animals are not trusted by the people, therefore the prince must always appear as a lamb. But one that holds the people's respect as the lion, and fox. The world governments are all corrupt on varying levels, hence the reason why they topple. Our beautiful United States of America with all its beautiful people, are governed by out of touch wealthy criminal elites. Voting harder doesn't git'er done, and never will. Jesus is the only one who can turn the heart of the King. We want to change things. Then God has this plan, If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land. Unless that is done on a great scale, then there is pretty much nothing we can do. If we made you president tomorrow you would go through more hell then the Donald ever went through. You would have the media descend on you, with both parties.

Jesus is the only way out of anything, maybe one day the people will repent, instead of gnawing their tongues in pain while they curse God. This country is circling the drain, not like it isn't deserved, it is most certainly deserved. But deserves need to produce apologies, and those apologies must be made to Jesus Christ.
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