Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Also do you get a flu shot every year.
And I hope there there are not any readers here who have fallen for this scam.
Just the other day, I was at the local diner, and one of the customers was talking about how she lost the mobility in her arm. A couple of months had gone by, and recovery was slow and difficult.
Very rarely, whether a lesser disability, or severe unto death, will the medical establishment acknowledge the damage caused. Nonetheless, if I remember right, flu shots are the highest total $$$ winner in the multi-billion dollar VKC (Vaccine Kangaroo Court) or VAERS. That is where your tax dollars pay for the vaccine injuries, the manufactures are liability-free and the process is "no-fault", even if the result is death.
So I implore my friends here to avoid being a part of this carnage.
Here is an alternative:
GMO Dangers
Flu Shot Soup