Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Yes. You can only be born ONCE. I have on very rare occasions where someone as a child may have been baptized and was out in the world for years and did not feel comfortable I did it for conscience sake. As far as speaking in tongues again I think if folks get renewed it just happens is it a must? I don't know any passage that teaches that. But a person that has much of a prayer life from time to time will speak in tongues. I never HAVE to eat a steak again but you know what I like them so I have them more than I should.
Yes, we can only be born once but we can be re-vived or re-newed
many times! I would like to renew our marriage vows at our 50th anniv.
In a few days we will have our 48th. I married my husband as a young
person and I don't remember what all the vows were. I probably didn't
care. All I wanted to do was to spend my life with him. Basically I was
a "child". NOW I know as an adult that I still want to spend the reminder
of my life with him. If we renew our vows, I will find out what I am vowing
and do my very best to do them.
Then there is this question of being re-baptized. My grandmother and
her son, my dad, frowned somewhat upon being re-baptized as they
saw no scripture for doing so. However, Grandma was an adult and her
son, my dad was a young fourteen yr. old boy when they heard the
apostolic truth from God's Word. They wore out several Bibles the next
few years after they believed, were baptized in Jesus Name, and received
the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues. They were very devout in their
continual searching of the scriptures. I seriously doubt they ever thought
of re-baptism due to their own devouted life to God and His Word.
I was a young girl when I was baptized and didn't receive the Holy Ghost
until I was eighteen. My two younger siblings were getting baptized and
I am sure I felt a measure of wanting to also since, and while they were being
baptized. In later years I have felt that because I was a "child" when I
was baptized, I would be willing to let Jesus know that even though I
"put Him Christ" as a child, I would love for Him know that as a mature
adult, I would be willing to take the name of JESUS with me again. Some
might not want to marry the same man or take a man's name again but
I can only speak for myself. Instead of re-marrying or re-baptism, it would
simply be, being RE-NEWED in both cases!! If we ask Him to, He will lead us
in this question and will settle it in our minds. We sometimes need to be
re-newed in the spirit of our minds.