Originally Posted by seguidordejesus
Are you serious?
LOL!!! of course I am not serious but it was funny to see everybody's reactions.
CC does a lot of stuff for the needy.
In the winter we host the homeless one night a week (other churches rotate the other nights). We offer them food, shelter, a shower, and of course Bible Study that night!
We also help donate canned goods to Second Harvest food back several times a year (thousands of pounds worth of canned goods) and last Thanksgiving we bought and packed out several huge trailer loads of Thanksgiving dinners for the needy.
We have a man who heads a ministry at our church aimed at Vietnam Vets who deals a lot with the homeless.
I know that we also help folks sometimes that are in a bind with utility payments etc but I don't know what the requirements are (like if they have to be attending our church or not).
Large churches like our (and smaller ones) are the target of a lot of con artists so I know they have to be careful and vet those they help to weed out the scam artists.