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02-28-2019, 12:56 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Re: Old Paths?
Originally Posted by jediwill83
Bro Billy Cole once said,"Some might say...well I got the HolyGhost down at the altar.....well you got it the Methodist way."
The point he wss making is that going to the "alter" as we know it began commonly in the Methodist movement which was a far cry from what it is today.
The Methodists had what was known as "The Penitent Form" or "Mourner's Bench", which was usually a front row pew or some planks set on blocks. The preacher would exhort those who wanted to be prayed for to come forward, the workers and saints would gather around, and begin praying for them that faith would arise. The goal was for the mourner (person under conviction) to eventually get faith, surrender to the Lord, and "come through shoutin" with a testimony of victory.
Charles Finney in the 1830s developed a variation called the Anxious Seat, a chair, series of chairs, or front row pew set up for those "anxious about the condition of their souls". The anxious would be asked about why they were anxious, asked about their spiritual state, exhorted to exercise faith, were given some basic Biblical corrections to errors they might be holding on to, exhorted to repent of all errors and sins, and then told to pray, while others prayed for them to exercise faith and be saved, sanctified, or whatever the need was.
These methods were further developed on the frontier as an evangelistic "point of decision", especially among Holiness groups. Holiness groups that became Pentecostal carried on the tradition. Also, baptists and evangelicals also borrowed the method, and it has spread to most Protestant circles except mainline churches like the Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc.
Last edited by Esaias; 02-28-2019 at 01:00 PM.

02-28-2019, 02:27 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: Old Paths?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
To some, no beards, no trimming hair for women. "Shouting" type services only.
Trimming hair, the Greek means to GROW. The Spanish version say to grow hair. Good thing we speak the heavily descriptive language of English, because we have the word long. Long has to be compared to something to be a understood. So, you are bald, so long hair for a female in comparison to you is a crew cut?
Rage on Mike, rage on.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

02-28-2019, 08:03 PM
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Re: Old Paths?
Originally Posted by jediwill83
Well you gotta ask yourself....what old paths? How old are they and where did they originate?
Bro Billy Cole once said,"Some might say...well I got the HolyGhost down at the altar.....well you got it the Methodist way."
The point he wss making is that going to the "alter" as we know it began commonly in the Methodist movement which was a far cry from what it is today.
Let me just say this from the onset. God is real and God is good.
It can be a bit disconcerting however when you start the research history of standards and traditions...the enemy may try and harm your faith, in fact...you can be sure of it.
The questions you have come from a desire to know God and what you will also discover is that the answers you will find will reveal much about men and the nature of man.
You will read and hear information, facts and arguments and sometimes you will feel betrayed as if the information has been hidden from you but thats not always the case.
I started out extremely conservative and the more I discovered I became more liberal.
What I discovered is that conservative/liberal is two sides of the same coin of phariseeism.
I then sought God with my whole heart without agenda and with much fear...a Godly fear and now I follow things that would probably make both sides uncomfortable but are born out of using scripture in context.
We have good people here and we also have some snakes and even the good ones of us here can get a lil trollish and out of line because some of the discussions can just get plain stupid.
Take what you read here with a grain of salt. Dig in the Word to verify what you see and pray brother pray.
Truth more closely examined does not become any less of a measure of Truth.
Meaning dont be afraid to push back and test some things.
Paul called the Bereans noble for a reason....
I appreciate these comments. I don't know how old you are, but you sound like someone who has lived a few years, had a few rough edges knocked off, and in the process, acquired a measure of humility and intellectual honesty.

02-28-2019, 08:21 PM
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Re: Old Paths?
Humility and theology go hand in hand.

03-04-2019, 06:17 AM
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Re: Old Paths?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Trimming hair, the Greek means to GROW. The Spanish version say to grow hair. Good thing we speak the heavily descriptive language of English, because we have the word long. Long has to be compared to something to be a understood. So, you are bald, so long hair for a female in comparison to you is a crew cut?
Rage on Mike, rage on. 
If the word means GROW then its a SHAME for a mans hair to GROW. Why are you letting your hair GROW? One would need to shave themselves bald DAILY in your version.

03-04-2019, 10:52 AM
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Re: Old Paths?
Check out my new Podcast, and YouTube Channel:
This is a One God, Holy Ghost Filled, Tongue Talkin', Jesus Name podcast where it's all in Him!
Apostolic Truth! His Truth Is Marching On!
Last edited by 1ofthechosen; 03-04-2019 at 10:55 AM.

03-04-2019, 10:57 AM
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Re: Old Paths?
Check out my new Podcast, and YouTube Channel:
This is a One God, Holy Ghost Filled, Tongue Talkin', Jesus Name podcast where it's all in Him!
Apostolic Truth! His Truth Is Marching On!

03-04-2019, 11:08 AM
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Re: Old Paths?
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
Lol@tired of traditions
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.

03-04-2019, 12:13 PM
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Re: Old Paths?
Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
Eww. Stahpit!
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
-Homer Simpson//

03-04-2019, 12:52 PM
Believe, Obey, Declare
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Tupelo Ms.
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Re: Old Paths?
Originally Posted by diakonos
Eww. Stahpit!
Salute the anthem Diaknos! Dont resist! You're quenching the spirit! Lol jk
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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