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Old 02-22-2019, 11:14 PM
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Re: Is America really even a good nation anymore?

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Psalm 24:1-2

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell therein.
2 For He has founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the waters.

Its not about property lines when He owns it all....and when He is your Father and you're about your Fathers business....you kinda see it His way... ;-)
The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness... and they that dwell therein.

It is the Father's business to give each nation their allotted inheritance, and He set their boundaries. If a person is content to see nations erased and boundaries destroyed, they are not about the Father's business, but Babel's.

Remove not the ancient landmark, and don't covet your neighbor's field, and all that.
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Old 02-23-2019, 05:21 AM
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Re: Is America really even a good nation anymore?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness... and they that dwell therein.

It is the Father's business to give each nation their allotted inheritance, and He set their boundaries. If a person is content to see nations erased and boundaries destroyed, they are not about the Father's business, but Babel's.

Remove not the ancient landmark, and don't covet your neighbor's field, and all that.

Look...I know where you are coming from and why. Im not saying we need to open our gates to willingly let destruction upon us.

I AM saying that God does NOT esteem an American over a Syrian or a Italian.

Its all about who obeys Him and who doesnt.

The locusts are sweeping across the globe in ever increasing numbers and I am NOT ignorant of their purpose or the goverments purpose at population replacement.


Im also aware of Gods purpose and while the governments of this world seek to replace populations to cement power and the invading hordes come because of war, anger, poverty, revenge...are they whom the world has waged war on for years....are they not worthy to receive His mercy?

Would you withhold His hand of blessing and stand in the way of those who cry out in darkness and ignorance surrounded by idols who do not see and do not hear and cannot touch their infirmities but rather bring enslavement and death?

How long must disease war and famine spread before you find it acceptable for God to say, "I have poured out judgement on nations for their idolatry and now I give them space to turn to me and repent."

The same God that pours out His judgement upon nations will also pour out His mercy to those that turn back to Him.

God has called us for more than homesteading and isolation my friend.

We are an evil people that dwell among a wicked nation and to whom much has been given much shall be required and that marker is about to be called.

We have called ourselves His and we have appointed to ourselves fasts that He did not.

We are neither hot nor cold...

Houston...miss me with putting words in my mouth that I did not say.

If you want to have a discussion fine but Im not here to fight a brother that has nothing but been iron sharpening iron and hasnt brought railing butthurt accusations like others.

Votive, who my neighbor wishes to invite to his home is on them and I neither have authority over his property and neither will I dicatate what he does with what he owns.

The same Bible that speaks of property lines also speaks of how to treat strangers in the land.

We have not sent life to these lands....we have sent death and corruption.

Would you withhold Gods mercy from them or see them destroyed every one?
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 02-23-2019, 06:28 AM
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Re: Is America really even a good nation anymore?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness... and they that dwell therein.

It is the Father's business to give each nation their allotted inheritance, and He set their boundaries. If a person is content to see nations erased and boundaries destroyed, they are not about the Father's business, but Babel's.

Remove not the ancient landmark, and don't covet your neighbor's field, and all that.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 02-23-2019, 06:57 AM
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Re: Is America really even a good nation anymore?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness... and they that dwell therein.

It is the Father's business to give each nation their allotted inheritance, and He set their boundaries. If a person is content to see nations erased and boundaries destroyed, they are not about the Father's business, but Babel's.

Remove not the ancient landmark, and don't covet your neighbor's field, and all that.

I wouldnt call what I feel about borders being erased contentment mon ami.

God who establishes borders can also modify them as He wishes...who are you to say that He is not doing this even now?
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 02-23-2019, 11:55 AM
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Re: Is America really even a good nation anymore?

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
I wouldnt call what I feel about borders being erased contentment mon ami.

God who establishes borders can also modify them as He wishes...who are you to say that He is not doing this even now?
I've been saying for quite awhile that's exactly what He's doing. Israel sinned, and God allowed the Midianites and others to flood in ("illegally", by the way). Many of the Israelites resorted to bug out bunkers in the mountains. The nation was impoverished, the foreigners were sucking up the resources, getting the benefit.

It continued unabated UNTIL...

Until the nation cried out to God. Not to the AntiMidianite Political Action Committee, headed by Jehoshatrump, or anyone else. But to Jehovah.

And the Lord's response was to send a nameless prophet to remind the nation of their history, and to point out the underlying cause of their woes: they had forsaken God, HE was the source of their national troubles, not Edomite Baron Nathan de Reuelchild or Prince Soros of Seir.

(Judges 6:1-10)
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Old 02-23-2019, 01:12 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Is America really even a good nation anymore?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I've been saying for quite awhile that's exactly what He's doing. Israel sinned, and God allowed the Midianites and others to flood in ("illegally", by the way). Many of the Israelites resorted to bug out bunkers in the mountains. The nation was impoverished, the foreigners were sucking up the resources, getting the benefit.

It continued unabated UNTIL...

Until the nation cried out to God. Not to the AntiMidianite Political Action Committee, headed by Jehoshatrump, or anyone else. But to Jehovah.

And the Lord's response was to send a nameless prophet to remind the nation of their history, and to point out the underlying cause of their woes: they had forsaken God, HE was the source of their national troubles, not Edomite Baron Nathan de Reuelchild or Prince Soros of Seir.

(Judges 6:1-10)
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 02-23-2019, 06:34 PM
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Re: Is America really even a good nation anymore?

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Votive, who my neighbor wishes to invite to his home is on them and I neither have authority over his property and neither will I dicatate what he does with what he owns.
It seemed you made the issue about evangelism, but do you want to try evangelizing an uncontrolled mass of people invading your property, or do you need a home of your own, that you control, and can determine the limits of who can and cannot come in and for how long?

So, it's not about your neighbor at all. It's about recognizing that if the right to life, liberty, and property is a good thing (and it is), and that those lines of property are inviolable and given by our Creator (and they are and were), then as people join themselves at every level until a nation of people is born, those same rights to property extend to the national level. National borders are simply property lines.

The same Bible that speaks of property lines also speaks of how to treat strangers in the land.
Quite. Don't oppress them. But strangers who sojourned in Canaan after the conquest had to capitulate to the laws of the land, which means God's Law. To transgress that law required justice. So, not oppressing the stranger doesn't mean allowing the stranger to replace the population, import their idolatry and witchcraft, and over-throw the local culture, that is, become the oppressors of the native people, in this case, Israel, or, in our case, the United States (As an aside: if the USA falls, the ability to freely preach the Gospel around the world, also falls. Think on that a moment).

We have not sent life to these lands....we have sent death and corruption.
I wouldn't use a "we" here. That is collective guilt speech. You didn't export death to anyone. Nor I. And even though death has come to many people because of war, so has life, infrastructure, liberty, the possibility of deliverance through the Gospel, and etc. It's not a one side ideological reality. Ideology only paints in one color, and can't see the rest of what's going on.

To say that we've only sent death isn't the whole picture. That's not a justification for war. It's a description of reality despite the war.

Would you withhold Gods mercy from them or see them destroyed every one?
God's ways are not our ways. His mercy can come at a terrible price. Mercy is not indiscriminate compassion. There is a cost to be counted when mercy is extended. Mercy must be shown, of course, to receive mercy. But show it carefully, with Holy Spirit guidance. God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy, and will have hardness on whom He will have hardness.

We must not gainsay either His inclination to mercy or to hardness. God kills and makes alive. Not even sparrows fall to the ground dead without the Father.

It doesn't make God responsible for all deaths that occur around the world. But He knows about them, and He doesn't interfere or miraculously deliver even less than 1% around the globe on any given day. No matter who believes what, who prays to Him, even Apostolics or other Spirit-filled people.

The Gospel doesn't save anyone from going to the grave. Rather it saves those who have obeyed it from the power of the grave. Rome was overpowering and slaughtering, committing abortions and infanticide, full of sodomy and dissolution, and no one ever was called by God to take a political stance against the empire, but rather, to pray and intercede for it, that the church may live a peaceable life. The salvation of the leaders of those in the empire was a secondary concern.

Think about it. Of all the people God saved in the 1st century, only Saul of Tarsus was called to stand before kings. The rest of the Body served the Lord in their local community, winning the lost in their own hometowns. They had no control over the fate of the rest of the people of the world, for they could in no wise do anything, other than pray.

We can do nothing more than them. But in the meantime, make sure you are not doling out condemnation upon the sinners in our government and military who are not in your eyes being sufficiently merciful to the citizens of the rest of the world, even when they dole out death and heartache. They need your mercy, too.
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Last edited by votivesoul; 02-23-2019 at 06:36 PM.
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