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05-25-2018, 10:11 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by n david
When I was creating this thread, I knew I could count on one person on AFF who would jump on the #ReclaimJesus movement train and embrace their statements. 
Don't assume I agree 100% with the Reclaim Jesus thing.
But I think it's a good thing that the left is taking a closer look at Jesus. Having one party claiming a monopoly on Jesus isn't good for America. Because Jesus is bigger than all the parties on earth.

05-25-2018, 10:12 AM
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by n david
When I was creating this thread, I knew I could count on one person on AFF who would jump on the #ReclaimJesus movement train and embrace their statements. 
Let's not attack the messenger here.
Let's examine the issue. Which Jesus represents the biblical notion of justice?

05-25-2018, 10:17 AM
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by Aquila
Let's not attack the messenger here.
Let's examine the issue. Which Jesus represents the biblical notion of justice?
No, create your own thread to examine your version of justice. I created this thread to point out the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of the #ReclaimJesus movement. You're always big on keeping to the OP topic, so this is about #ReclaimJesus, not Aquila's belief of what justice means.

05-25-2018, 10:18 AM
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by Aquila
Don't assume I agree 100% with the Reclaim Jesus thing.
But I think it's a good thing that the left is taking a closer look at Jesus. Having one party claiming a monopoly on Jesus isn't good for America. Because Jesus is bigger than all the parties on earth.
I've read your posts on here. Most of the statements of beliefs are things which you have advocated for a long time.
Did you read the full statement?

05-25-2018, 10:35 AM
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by Aquila
You mean they are creating a fake leftist Jesus to counter the fake rightwing Jesus? lol That's to be expected. After all, if the right can create a Jesus that blesses the NRA and shrugs His shoulders at all these shootings, no doubt the left will create a Jesus that blesses BLM, and demands equal treatment under the law.
I think both sides don't have a complete picture of Jesus. I'm just sifting through both versions of Jesus and trying to decipher who has the most complete view of Jesus to build upon based on the Jesus I see in Scripture. Honestly, trying to teach the right that Jesus would advocate for polices of compassion and justice for the oppressed, widows, orphans, strangers, and the wages of the hireling is a lost cause. They don't care. They'd tell them, "Seek private charity.", and boast about how many people are in the lines of soup kitchens. But there are essentially only two issues that I think Jesus would take issue with on the left. So, I think the Jesus on the left is closer to the real deal.
two issues on the left that Jesus would take issue with. which two of these issues do you think that is.
1. abortion 2. gay marriage 3. welfare 4. Turning our backs on Israel 5. evolution

05-25-2018, 10:53 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by n david
No, create your own thread to examine your version of justice. I created this thread to point out the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of the #ReclaimJesus movement. You're always big on keeping to the OP topic, so this is about #ReclaimJesus, not Aquila's belief of what justice means.
I posted the most robust biblical definition of justice...with Scriptural references throughout. It's not "my" notion of justice. In fact, the Holman Bible Dictionary's definition of justice was one factor that kept coming back to mind when I was ultra-right wing. I couldn't refute it. It was instrumental in helping me come to grips with the fulness of biblical justice. And... it took me out of my 100% alignment with the GOP.
Does the vision of justice embraced by the Reclaim Jesus movement measure up to the biblical definition of justice?
There, we're back on topic.
Last edited by Aquila; 05-25-2018 at 11:09 AM.

05-25-2018, 11:06 AM
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by Apostolic1ness
two issues on the left that Jesus would take issue with. which two of these issues do you think that is.
1. abortion 2. gay marriage 3. welfare 4. Turning our backs on Israel 5. evolution
Abortion and gay marriage. I think the authentic Jesus would take issue with those two issues. So, the "lefty Jesus" doesn't match up to the biblical Jesus here.
I don't think Jesus would take issue with welfare, the Law of God required a poor tithe every third year, allowed for gleaning, and established a Year of Jubilee that would return all land and assets back to the family line of the original owners to ensure that the nation's aggregated wealth wouldn't end up in the hands of an ultra-rich minority. I think Jesus would challenge the wealthiest nation on earth to do more for those in desperate need in her society. Imagine if every three years a 10th of all revenues was set aside for the poor, the widow, the orphan, the stranger, and the sick and needy. Imagine if every 50 we upset the fruit basket and returned land and assets to the original family lines who owned them? That's some hardcore socialism right there. And while Jesus clearly went beyond the letter of the Law, Jesus never departed from the spirit of the Law. So, I think the "righty Jesus" doesn't match up to the biblical Jesus here.
As for turning our backs on Israel... Israel is still a nation in rebellion against the Gospel. God is the one who judged the nation and dispersed them in AD 70. In addition, the modern nation state of Israel isn't the re-establishment of the throne of David. Also, turning a blind eye to atrocities that Israel has committed is just as bad as turning a blind eye to the atrocities that the Palestinian authorities have committed. Both sides should be equally held to standards of justice. Israel is not entirely innocent. A true friend of Israel would hold her accountable for her injustices, admonishing her not to stoop so low on account of her enemies. Our friendship with Israel doesn't give Israel a free pass. If Israel started a bloody campaign of genocide against the Palestinians, I'd expect any just American government to demand they cease fire or be bombed back into the stone age. I know, I know, some will say, "But they are God's chosen people." And to that, all I have to say is, if they are God's chosen people... then they should know better.
Evolution? I think Jesus would just shake his head and laugh at the foolishness of evolution. That boils down to personal belief. Jesus would simply admonish us to believe in God's Word and be saved.
Last edited by Aquila; 05-25-2018 at 11:21 AM.

05-25-2018, 11:30 AM
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by n david
A friend on FB shared a video in which several ministers, including "The Most Reverend" Michael Curry (who recently gave a message at the royal wedding), talked about how they were "reclaiming Jesus" from being co-opted by politicians and political parties.
What's ironic is while these liberal ministers (and each one is a liberal, social justice preaching, likely Democrat) are talking about "reclaiming Jesus" from politics ... they're doing the very thing they're complaining about. They're just making it about liberal politics. They don't like Trump. They don't like "America First." They don't like conservative policy on immigration, healthcare or the budget.
So while #ReclaimJesus sounds well and good, when you get to the substance this is just a bunch of liberal SJWs using Jesus to push their own agenda.
The left hates Jesus so this will go over about as well as a lead balloon. They will try to co-opt "Jesus speech" for awhile but as always they will discover that the people who are actually motivated by what Jesus said tend to be non-leftards.
Furthermore, most people in this country have reached the point where they just flat out don't care and don't listen to anything the left has to say. Leftists live in a bubble without much "in real life" contact with others, so they feed on themselves in their internet and Hollywood echo chambers.
Out here in Flyover Country, us "deplorable dirt people" just smirk and shake our heads at loonie toon leftists and their ideas. Then we water our gardens, clean our guns, and teach our kids to stay away from the zombietards.
Speaking of which (kids), the future is ours, cause leftists tend not to have kids, or if they do they only have 1-3. And huge numbers of them are incels, bronies, trannies, queers, and assorted other genetic dead ends that do not successfully replicate their own numbers. (This is why the push for "immigration reform", because they need large numbers of wage slaves who aren't Deplorables... but that too will backfire on them, because those immigrants either get broniefied and trannyfied like the rest of the leftists, or they maintain their traditional ways and refuse to be assimilated. In several generations the leftists won't even exist except in the history books, and the battle for America will be between Christian "fundamentalists" and Muslims, and possibly hispanic catholics as a third force in the mix.)

05-25-2018, 11:31 AM
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by Aquila
Does the vision of justice embraced by the Reclaim Jesus movement measure up to the biblical definition of justice?
#ReclaimJesus is not about justice. It's about #ResistTrump.
Have you read the full statement?

05-25-2018, 11:35 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: "Reclaiming Jesus" Movement
Originally Posted by n david
#ReclaimJesus is not about justice. It's about #ResistTrump.
Have you read the full statement?
Yes. I don't remember reading anything about "Trump" in their statement. Are you saying that Trump is a racist and legitimately represents what they oppose? Because if he isn't and doesn't, clearly it can't be about him.
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