Originally Posted by SarahElizabeth
I thought the Admins could decide unilateraly without anyone having to whine - that they could ban someone just from observing posts. Isn't that true?
Stated in Rules:
Admin may remove any offensive post, or ban any members at the sole discretion of the admin on duty at that time. Normally you will receive a warning if such occurs. In the event a thread is closed, or a person is banned, admin will review the situation, and either agree to uphold the ban, or reinstate the poster. If you are banned you will not have the ability to post in the forums. You may receive no warning before you are banned. It is your responsibility to have read the rules and to know them. If you break them it will be assumed that at the time you knew you were breaking them. With the exception of those that are just "out of control", we will follow the following rules in banned members: