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Old 05-28-2016, 07:13 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
Well, not only can readers imagine how you talk and what words you use outside of the forum political correctness you use, with that epithet, but all I did was take Ezekiel 3 and explain how the word of God tells us to be watchmen on the wall by telling them what God says about their danger. I guess we also know what you think of scripture!

I mean what words are on your mind when you type these things?

I guess God knows. And He's all that matters in the end.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 05-28-2016, 07:20 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
I never said anything about her.

I do know the catholic church does not teach that the work of the cross makes us righteous in and of itself, before we lift a finger to do anything. I never said anything about Mother Theresa, though. It's not about individuals. It's about belief systems that deny the work of the cross toward righteousness.
you said Catholics were all lost, and i said M. Teresa, at which point you got really quiet, so ya, you never said anything about her all right. So, with all the backing up and blather stripped out, we have

It's not about individuals. It's about belief systems that deny the work of the cross toward righteousness.

now, i'm now convinced that the last person on earth who should be talking about any work of the cross is you, but since you pretend to be a seeker after God, let's just go with this. Unfortunately, in your superiority-coma you apparently have not realized that Muslims and Catholics are individuals, and that we have already been over this, the difference in condemning religion v condemning an individual, which is also why i have been telling you that you, personally, are in jeopardy, and as far as i know most OPs are fine, because even if they are a bunch of Jim Crows at least they have the sense to keep quiet about it until they get to the kkk meeting or whatever.

So now you are saying that if people pick the wrong religion, belief system, whatever, they go to hell; do i have that right?
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Old 05-28-2016, 07:22 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Well, not only can readers imagine how you talk and what words you use outside of the forum political correctness you use, with that epithet, but all I did was take Ezekiel 3 and explain how the word of God tells us to be watchmen on the wall by telling them what God says about their danger. I guess we also know what you think of scripture!

I mean what words are on your mind when you type these things?

I guess God knows. And He's all that matters in the end.
yes, yes, because you love Jesus, and so referring to one of your paper-over jobs means i must hate Jesus, right? How bout we stick to the questions for now.
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Old 05-28-2016, 07:46 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
you said Catholics were all lost, and i said M. Teresa, at which point you got really quiet, so ya, you never said anything about her all right. So, with all the backing up and blather stripped out, we have
My point that you so tactfully avoided was that the GENERAL BELIEF is what makes them lost. And I never named Theresa out. You did. You try to make it personal, when it is objective and about what we believe.

It's not about individuals. It's about belief systems that deny the work of the cross toward righteousness.

now, i'm now convinced that the last person on earth who should be talking about any work of the cross is you,
Of course, because the words form the bible that deal with the cross and faith and salvation are things you avoid talking about and when cornered say you have no clue what they mean. It's not me you have a problem with . It's the word of God. That's why when I try to get you away from MY opinion and point to the word you scoot.

but since you pretend to be a seeker after God, let's just go with this. Unfortunately, in your superiority-coma you apparently have not realized that Muslims and Catholics are individuals, and that we have already been over this,
It's about beliefs in comparison with the Word of God,

\the difference in condemning religion v condemning an individual, which is also why i have been telling you that you, personally, are in jeopardy, and as far as i know most OPs are fine, because even if they are a bunch of Jim Crows at least they have the sense to keep quiet about it until they get to the kkk meeting or whatever.

So now you are saying that if people pick the wrong religion, belief system, whatever, they go to hell; do i have that right?
Does their religion determine whether they're lost or not? OBVIOUSLY! lol.

Religion is what a person believes as far as spirituality and damnation or salvation are concerned. And you say THAT DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING about their eternal destinies?

But you act like a hypocrite about this anyway, because I showed you how a Muslim told me I was lost because I believed Jesus is the begotten Son of God and that He is God manifest in flesh, when I said NOTHING to him about whether he was lost or not, and I said NOTHING to him except what I posted on this forum for all to read. you excused him but crucified, ironically, me.


"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 05-28-2016, 07:47 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
yes, yes, because you love Jesus, and so referring to one of your paper-over jobs means i must hate Jesus, right? How bout we stick to the questions for now.
How about talking actual bible instead of our opinions? Okay? Oh, right, you run from such chats.

See ya later. You are trolling again.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 05-28-2016, 07:57 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Given recent considerations from recent chats, consider religion.

It has here been espoused that religion does not matter, and that implies one can be saved regardless of their religion. What is a religion? It is a set of beliefs regarding spirituality concerning God or deity in self, depending on the religion itself. Followers of a religion are indeed followers of it because they choose to agree with the set of beliefs that religion teaches. Now, the bible said a certain set of beliefs must be believed IN THE HEART (where only God can see) in order to be saved. So, when Jesus said "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that beleiveth not shall be damned," He was not saying whatever you believe, ensure you believe in it sincerely and thereby be saved. lol. No. We have to learn what beliefs he referred to and ensure we believe them, or else we're lost.

It's not what I claim beliefs should be, but what the Lord and apostles claimed we should believe. And this nonsense that says reading their words causes us to twist them and repetition of their words is simply giving one's opinion is actually trying to make you think that you cannot know truth unless you cast away all plain statements and consider them as vague unknowable teachings. In short, just make the overall Word of God of none effect.

All I can do is teach what I honestly believe the word is saying, without any agenda behind it, and encourage everyone who hears me to check with the bible and see if what I said lines up with the word, and not to listen to me if they find it is not what the word is saying in their honest estimation. But what we've seen here of late is simply my words being incompatible with an opinion predetermined aside from scripture, that's read into scripture, leaving verses that such an opinion does not agree with to be considered as unknowable. That's not honest.

Jesus clarified what he meant by believing on Him when in John 17:20 he prayed for everyone who wold believe on him through the apostles' word. In other words, what the apostles, along with His teachings, related, are what we must believe. And if a religion is not based on the apostles' teachings in connection with Christ's, that religion is causing souls to be lost.

And religion doesn't matter?

Can it get any more insane that saying religion doesn't matter when it comes to salvation? For those who think truth is arbitrary, no. But not to anyone else.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."

Last edited by mfblume; 05-28-2016 at 08:02 PM.
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Old 05-28-2016, 08:02 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
the GENERAL BELIEF is what makes them lost. it is objective and about what we believe.
so, at least we have the difference in belief and faith cleared up; except possibly for those whose faith never got any larger than their beliefs. I believe i will walk on streets of gold; but if that ends up being some spiritual metaphor and i never do, that will not affect my faith.
Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Of course, because the words form the bible that deal with the cross and faith and salvation are things you avoid talking about and when cornered say you have no clue what they mean. It's not me you have a problem with . It's the word of God. That's why when I try to get you away from MY opinion and point to the word you scoot.
yes, but the feeling is mutual, so that ultimately is just not productive, Mike. let's try to stick to simple q/a ok?
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Old 05-28-2016, 08:02 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post

It's about beliefs in comparison with the Word of God,

Does their religion determine whether they're lost or not? OBVIOUSLY!
ok, now we are getting somewhere, perhaps
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Old 05-28-2016, 08:03 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
ok, now we are getting somewhere, perhaps
You're trolling S. See ya.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 05-28-2016, 08:04 PM
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Re: Elephant in the room - accusation of judging

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
so, at least we have the difference in belief and faith cleared up; except possibly for those whose faith never got any larger than their beliefs. I believe i will walk on streets of gold; but if that ends up being some spiritual metaphor and i never do, that will not affect my faith.
yes, but the feeling is mutual, so that ultimately is just not productive, Mike. let's try to stick to simple q/a ok?
Nope. You won;t talk bible, and then you lie and say you do and i refuse to answer. When I ask what it was you referred to in the bible so we can chat, suddenly more silence.

You're trolling. See ya.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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