I can't say that I am necessarily "leaving" the doctrine. Right now I am not doing anything with the doctrine. Right now, I am trying correct the warped image of God that I received. Because if I don't know who God really is. If I don't believe that he is good, or loving, or anything, what does the rest matter? And no, I don't blame that entirely on the UPC, as I attended a spiritually abusive UPC church, of which you are already aware.
Having a warped sense of who God is will cause you to have a warped sense of who you are. We are the express image of Him. If you can not see God the right way you need to leave the UPC if they are the problem. Make sure that if you leave do so with your eyes on Him and Him alone. Don't leave with your eyes on how dissappointed or how much you hate the UPC. That will only cause bittnerness and then there will be no way you can see God for who and what He is.
This is easier said than done at times. Focus is the most important thing right now. I left the UPC and focused on how I was dissappointed with the UPC. It almost destroyed me. I have since gone back to a UPC church, but a way less judgemental church and I am happy now. I did that with caution though. I searched this out for a while. I may not stay in a UPC church forever. I was in the ministry at a UPC church and maybe being out of the ministry for a while will make it better. But focus on the face of God and the voice of God. I promise that over the next few weeks you will hear what you think is the voice of God. Make sure it is the voice of God you hear and not the voice of the controling pastor taking the place of God's voice.
I am no more or no less oneness than I have ever been. I am no more or no less pentecostal than I have ever been. To be honest, doctrine is not really a prime concern for me right now. The fact that I have always had a distorted image of God is the focus of my energies.
But beyond that, when it comes to the Godhead, I view it the same as I have always, which could be labeled "oneness".
In my living room :sshhh
Michlow, for your sake, I hope you find happiness and contentment. The same goes for Ronzo and others. When you find all the answers, please let the rest of us know. But I can tell you one thing.........
You can travel the world over, read every book on the subject, listen to every discontented 'christian' there is, etc, etc, and it won't change the truth of the Apostle's doctrine. Now the organizations have no doubt made some mistakes with programs and other things, but the keys that Peter used on the day of Pentecost will forever be true. Think long and hard before you turn away from it.
God bless, you're in my prayers, and have been for a while.
Having a warped sense of who God is will cause you to have a warped sense of who you are. We are the express image of Him. If you can not see God the right way you need to leave the UPC if they are the problem. Make sure that if you leave do so with your eyes on Him and Him alone. Don't leave with your eyes on how dissappointed or how much you hate the UPC. That will only cause bittnerness and then there will be no way you can see God for who and what He is.
This is easier said than done at times. Focus is the most important thing right now. I left the UPC and focused on how I was dissappointed with the UPC. It almost destroyed me. I have since gone back to a UPC church, but a way less judgemental church and I am happy now. I did that with caution though. I searched this out for a while. I may not stay in a UPC church forever. I was in the ministry at a UPC church and maybe being out of the ministry for a while will make it better. But focus on the face of God and the voice of God. I promise that over the next few weeks you will hear what you think is the voice of God. Make sure it is the voice of God you hear and not the voice of the controling pastor taking the place of God's voice.
To make this easier on my self, I cut and paste a response I just gave to Margie on the pants thread:
I honestly don't have any anger or negative feelings against any individuals. Mad at the system? Sometimes. The Mindset? definately! Mad at how messed up I am become of it? Most definately! And extremely frustrated because I have to start all over! And I go back and forth at being mad at God. If he is like the God that I was taught, then yes, I am mad at Him. But the truth is, I understand that I have a warped and distorted view of God, and that is what I am working on at the moment. But I get very frustrated at having to start all over!
But the truth is, that I know that good will come of this. I know that I will grow. I know that even if I only have a tiny seed of faith right now, that when I come through the fire, it will have grown exponentially. That when I am done, I will know God like I have never known him before. Yes, right now I am angry. But I do understand that some day I will be glad for what I experienced because of what God accomplished through them.
But for know, I simply get by the only way I know how. One day at a time.
Michlow, for your sake, I hope you find happiness and contentment. The same goes for Ronzo and others. When you find all the answers, please let the rest of us know. But I can tell you one thing.........
You can travel the world over, read every book on the subject, listen to every discontented 'christian' there is, etc, etc, and it won't change the truth of the Apostle's doctrine. Now the organizations have no doubt made some mistakes with programs and other things, but the keys that Peter used on the day of Pentecost will forever be true. Think long and hard before you turn away from it.
God bless, you're in my prayers, and have been for a while.
Originally Posted by Ferd
I hope you find what you are looking for.
I pray that some of it is what you left behind.
I also pray that you can figure out what was the good and what was the not so good....
I thank both of you. I will take all the prayers that i can get!
I always feel for those disillusioned by the error found in places. The way of truth can be made to look evil by reason of some people who mix error with truth. One must always remember: Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
For many years, I ahve dealt with several issues. I have walked down the same road you have, and traveled down a path that led me to where you are. I quickly found some things out, as a result of my seeking the truth...
The Messiah Jesus is still the same. He does not change despite when we change. He is strong and stable even when we are not. He is faithful to keep us when we are losing faith.
Michlow, I found that despite the arrogance of a few, the very things which you spoke of disagreeing with are the very things the Holy Spirit has led me to be restored into believing. I have had certain ministers slander and talk harshly towards me, some even attacking me, lying on me saying I was gay. These men are weeds in the field, and the Lord shall deal with them when He is ready.
My friend, heed my words. Instead of leaving, find yourself a sincere quiet place, pulled away, and seek His face. He will lead you. Turn off the computer, and bow the knee, and He will open your eyes to His ways and truths. He will show you, if you let Him.
For many years, I ahve dealt with several issues. I have walked down the same road you have, and traveled down a path that led me to where you are. I quickly found some things out, as a result of my seeking the truth...
The Messiah Jesus is still the same. He does not change despite when we change. He is strong and stable even when we are not. He is faithful to keep us when we are losing faith.
Michlow, I found that despite the arrogance of a few, the very things which you spoke of disagreeing with are the very things the Holy Spirit has led me to be restored into believing. I have had certain ministers slander and talk harshly towards me, some even attacking me, lying on me saying I was gay. These men are weeds in the field, and the Lord shall deal with them when He is ready.
My friend, heed my words. Instead of leaving, find yourself a sincere quiet place, pulled away, and seek His face. He will lead you. Turn off the computer, and bow the knee, and He will open your eyes to His ways and truths. He will show you, if you let Him.
Just some sincere thoughts.
Hallelu et Adonai!
HA! YOU threatened to NEVER post HERE again!
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?