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Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared
national emergency. "
Read the Senate Report yourself.
Here's a paragraph from the Introduction:
A — A Brief Historical Sketch of the Origins
of Emergency Powers Now in Force
_ A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their
lives under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms and governmental
procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees,
been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national
emergency. The problem of how a constitutional democracy reacts to
great crises, however, far antedates the Great Depression. As a philo-
sophical issue, its origins reach back to the Greek city-states and the
Roman Republic. And, in the United States, actions taken by the Gov-
ernment in times of great crises have — from, at least, the Civil War —
in important ways shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent
state of national emergency.
(end quote)
Here's a 2006 CRS report on Emergency Powers and Declarations of National Emergency by Presidents, includes a list of the multitude of still operational, non-rescinded Declarations.
Keep in mind the following:
The President, with the approval of Congress, has thus used as authority for extraordinary actions laws which have no real relationship whatsoever to existing circumstances. As a consequence, a “national emergency” is now a practical necessity in order to carry out what has become the regular and normal method of governmental action. What were intended by Congress as delegations of power to be used only in the most extreme situations and for the most limited durations have become everyday powers; and a state of “emergency” has become a permanent condition.
(from above Senate Report, p 184).
So, a continual state of national emergency/ies in effect since 1933, either renewed or replaced every couple of years, which has created a situation where government cannot practically function without these emergency war powers...
There ya go. Now, the rabbit hole goes deeper of course. These issues go back to the old Trading With the Enemy Act (as detailed in the Senate Report), and even further back to Lincoln's actions in the 1860s and the subsequent Reconstruction.
America has not been run as you were taught in school. We are governed under Emergency Powers, not Constitutional authority (the USC does not even grant either the executive or legislative branches the authority to have, dispense, enact, or carry out such "emergency powers". That in itself is PROOF we are under a form of law OTHER than civilian Constitutional law.